a day away

Mar 13, 2006 08:25

I tried to go to the mountain the other day BUT they wouldn't allow me up there because my car doesn't have 4-wheel drive. Come On!! The measurement of snow up there didn't even amount to 2". Snow had accumulated on the ground but not on the roads. (Of course the roads are open NOW.. but I can't go because P is freaking out about not having enough gas) Anyway.. I left the area slightly annoyed. So no outdoor set and none of that freezing my bits. Instead I drove around town so I could find my doctor's office easily on Friday. (I hate not knowing exactly where I am going.) After that I went looking for this place called the Black Rose Cafe. Some people I know just opened it and it's supposed to be like a pagan themed coffee shop. I have been invited several times to join an acquaintance of mine who is into the craft but I am still a bit leery of doing so. 'Unfortunately' I wasn't able to find it right off the bat so I used that as an excuse to stop looking all together. Yes, I know. I'm avoiding. But I can live with that.

Yesterday I went to audition for WOF (Wheel of Fortune). I didn't get an audition then but they will take my application(s) back to CA with them and I may get a chance again at a later date. I tried to take pictures but for some reason my camera was acting really crappy. Anyway.. I did take 3 pictures which are behind the cut along with witchdollie commentary...

This is the make-shift stage for the game show. The way it works is that they put all the applications in a bin and pull out 5 at random. Then right when they pull your name, that's when your audition starts. You guess one letter, get 3 seconds to solve then they move on to the next person. Just because you solve the puzzle doesn't mean you will get on the show. But after your audition you get nifty little prizes.

Another pic of the stage and such. It was a really fun thing to do. I met some really nice people and since I went the second day, it wasn't horribly crowded. Though by the time the show started, there were about 300 people there.

Ok... This guy. I took a picture of this guy because... he was just nuts. He's on stage with Marty (stand-in Pat but the speakers are in the way so you can't see him) and Marty is asking him some questions and he is chewing gum (rather loudly). All of the sudden, he takes his gum out of his mouth and sticks it under the bill of his cap. ((This would be the little white spot seen under the rim)).

And those are my pictures. I wanted to get a picture of the Wheel Mobile before I left but they moved it to an area right by the interstate.. so that wasn't happening. All in all it was really a fun experience. Everyone was really nice and when you are surrounded by happy excited people, you can't help but get happy and excited too. (And I got a nifty LED light up pen that changes colors. Normally I wouldn't mention something so trivial.. but it's a pretty freakin' cool pen. ~lol~

After all that fun I went to Torrid.. which was having a 50% off all clearance sale. **squee** I was able to get a cute mini-skirt and 2 pairs of stockings with bows. (One white, one black) After that I returned home and watched Skeleton Key. It wasn't a scary movie exactly, didn't have blood and gore. More like a supernatural thriller. I don't exactly agree with certain things in it.. but hey I found it interesting and I liked it.

In other news, I have free passes to Circus Chimara for the opening night. BUT.. I can't go.. ~sniff~ I have no one to watch my little one that day so I will most likely be giving the tickets away on freecycle.org. I really wanted to go because this years theme is Alice in Wonderland. And I really like this particular circus because it's a lot like Circus du Soleil .. but MUCH MUCH more affordable. (Plus they have the freaky sideshow things outside the main tent.) So for that I am a sad panda.

Time to get some things taken care of.. chores.. (How I sometimes can not wait until my little girl is old enough to help me clean...)


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