I experienced a pang of panic today about my pending relocation. In fact it is still being experienced and I am having a hell of a time not allowing it. First of all I guess I should back up and state that this has been in the making ever since I got hired in Sept of last year. It has only recently become more of a certainty since I have been stalking the website where the company does all their internal hiring. I have applied for five different positions, two of which I have already been interviewed for. I have been aiming for this move even before I started my current job. It just had no foundation of a reality. Now it does. And now, I am second guessing myself. I don't exactly feel comfortable stating why I suddenly panicking. I'm just worried. It will probably pass. I will force myself not to think about it.
In unrelated news, Adobe is sending me temptations via email to upgrade to CS5 and have allowed me the opportunity to beta test some new software with the option to buy at a deep discount as well. Why, when I am saving, must I be tempted so? I swear, technology is a wicked mistress. If I was fantastically rich, I would probably be poor again with all the cool gadgets and software I want to tinker with. But I would not care because as long as there is electricity and internet, I would have it made.
MIL has been in the hospital the past few days due to a fall. We were called there this morning because she could not breathe. She had x-rays done on her chest yesterday and they were fine. The when she had problems breathing, they scheduled more and found black spots on her lungs. This prompted a CAT scan and now we have found that she has pneumonia. They will be scoping her chest on Saturday to see how bad. (Is it bad to say I am rather apathetic about it at this point? I mean... I really feel nothing. And that actually bothers me a bit. I mean she treats me like shit, yeah... but I have yet to reach the point where I wish her dead. However, I do have a short list of people whom I do wish dead... but we wont go into that. But yeah. I don't even feel worried about her. And I certainly would not admit this to anyone anywhere else..)
And now for a dose of Random:
***** I googled "waiting" under images and a photo-manip I did last year was listed at the very beginning. As in the FIRST listing. I was all proud and shit but then I wondered if it was only because I was logged in. Someone else needs to google "waiting" under images and see if the angel in the window comes up. EDIT: Seems as though its a random thing. I wish I had taken a screenshot. :(
***** I got my nails done in a brighter shade of red then I usually wear. Usually I go for more purple/wine tones but this color is like cherries. I like it!.
***** I am working on my art again. Photomanips and random photography. It has helped me find my sanity.
***** Monster High has come out with ADORABLE dolls.: These are the two which I am currently coveting.
The first is Cupid. She has bone wings as you can see. So gothy awesome! The second is Operetta. Rockabilly style and oh so cute for being the daughter of the Phantom of the Opera. =^.^= I need to add them to my collection. *nods lots*
And I think that is enough for tonight. I need to go to bed so I can get Kindergoth to school in the morning.