This past year may have not been the best, but it certainly was not the worst by any stretch. I'm still in school, even after taking a brief break because of joining the work-force. That, in and of itself, is an accomplishment for me. I have a stunning girl-friend.. which actually shocks me. Actually I don't know what shocks me more. The fact that I asked or the fact that she said yes. Either way, it seems to be working out so far. Hopefully I wont do anything stupid to screw it up.
Work has been hectic. Hectic as in I feel like I am short of pitching a tent and taking up residence just because I feel like I am there all the time. On the bright-side I have made a lot of new friends acquaintances. All guys. All gay. One gave me the title of a "Flame Dame" and I wear that title with pride. (Its certainly better then the alternative of 'fag hag'.) I have not really made an effort to hang out with any of them outside of work though. Other then giving one a ride home from time to time. Letting someone get close enough to where we do things outside of work on a regular basis is not high on my list of priorities at the moment.
I have started taking my schoolwork to work with me so I can get a few things done. (Which reminds me, I need to sign in tonight and turn in what I have managed to accomplish over the winter break.) My grades are... well half and half. The trigonometry gives me migraines and I sincerely doubt I will get anything higher then a C. Composition II, as much as I hate it, I am acing. Apparently I am a fantastic writer when I *have* to be. Obviously, when I *want* to be is a completely different story.
New Years Eve was spent at home with Kindergoth, a bottle of Almond Champagne, and the first season of Adventure Time... which is one of the strangest cartoons I have ever watched in my life. (Not counting some anime series, of course.) She stayed up until the new year with plans of making it an all-niter and then went to bed shortly after midnight.
Christmas, since I didnt really make a post about it, wasnt horrible for once. I went to the inlaws and a Christmas miracle happened and they treated me like something other then the scum of the earth. Course, I did look like I was walking death. Something, that was later wrongly diagnosed as pink-eye, was wrong with my eyes. They were yellow, and watery and I looked like I was constantly crying cause tears were streaming down my cheeks. They hurt but were not itchy. And after getting drops, they cleared up within 48 hours. (Pink-eye has always been horrible and itchy and lasted for at least a week with me, so I dont know wtf was wrong.) But either way, they were nice. My niece even gave me a hug. It was odd, but relieving. I still went back home before Kindergoth and Ecamer though.
I splurged and bought myself Skyrim a few days before Christmas. I have to admit, I am not really a toy-store girl. But when Toys-R-Us is open 24 hours, and I can go there in the middle of the night when I cant sleep, I am so freakin giddy. I loved shopping there at 1am. And not because its not busy. It actually was quite busy.. but just the fact that a toy-store is open 24 hours a day puts me in a little-girl place of glee. I'm sad to see them go back to the regular store hours.
Today I ventured out long enough to pick up a 2012
Monster High calendar and a
tokidoki planner. Gotta love 50% off sales. Then I took Kindergoth to La Salsa and after that, came home and began putting all the holiday stuff away. Also took my old-as-fuck cooktop apart and gave it a thorough cleaning, and now I'm worn out.
In other random news.. last nights dreams were strange and I kept having guest appearances of some of the people I work with. Not all, just a few I have been talking to more then others. I noticed that I often dream of people with whom I will make a connection with when I dont really know them. At first, it was something I kinda just blew off. But now I am starting to catalog these dreams and what is going on within them. Thankfully, this most recent dream did not have me feeling all stressed out when I woke like when I had dreams of Vampy and Chewy.. Hopefully this is a good sign.