365 Days: Days 226-287

Nov 16, 2011 02:18

Day 226: What is the most inspirational thing you have ever heard -
That would have to be the words of a friend who, while standing up for me, made the statement "I choose who matters to me and who does not. And you do not matter so you can't hurt me."
Those words have stayed with me for over a decade now.

Day 227: Next present holiday wish list -
If I could have anything I wanted? To be satisfied being alone and not needing anyone. But if we are being realistic, my own car would be swell.

Day 228: A letter to the reflection in the mirror -
Dear Self,
Everything is going to be alright. Don't worry so much. I know you are trying and "the road to hell..." well you know how the rest goes. But you are loved. Just try to remember that.

Day 229: List ten people you would die for -
I only have one. My daughter.

Day 230: Write a letter to the person you’re closest to
Dear You,
Are we really even that close anymore? Or am I fucking up so much along the line that we are slipping apart again. You are very important to me. I really do not think You have any clue how much.

Day 231: What is your favorite memory from before the school age.
Favorite? Picking a red mushroom with white "frosting" and scaring the shit out of my grandmother.

Day 232: What were your thoughts enter pre-school, kindergarten, middle school, and high school
Upon Entering.. Hmm..
Pre-school - Im not even sure I went to pre-school.
Kindergarten - "Yay! Away from mom."
Middle-school - "Yay! away from family"
High School - "They are not going to get me with that stupid 'elevator pass'" and "Yay! Away from step-dad/person/thing"

Day 233: How was your last year in school? which grade level was it?
Aha.. I dropped out my freshman year. >.>

Day 234: List the movies you’ll never get sick of watching
Zombie Land
Brotherhood of the Wolf
City of Lost Children
The Craft
Interview with a Vampire
Big Fish
Kill Bill 1&2
(and the list goes on and on and on)

Day 235: What is the most quotable movie.. list a few of your favorite quotes?
Most quotable movie? I have no idea. And I am kind of embarrassed to say I have been quoting the Matrix for the last week or so..

Day 236: Favorite song as a ten year old?
I have no clue. I think it was something by Warrant or something

Day 237: If your six year old self looked at you now, what would their reaction be?
Damn! Where did you get those bruises/scars!

Day 238: What was your most memorable summer
The summer I worked the carnival.

Day 239: Who from full house do you relate to most?
*arches a brow* no one...

Day 240: Who/what can’t you live without?
Who? I cant think of anyone.
What? air/food/water/ and a gun

Day 241: Have you changed in the past 200 days?
A bit.I am always evolving

Day 242: What does your name mean according to urban dictionary?
Ivy: A true pimpette, who a lot of guys love.

Day 243: What name would your parents have named you if you were the opposite sex? did they have a list of names for you?
Hell if I know

Day 244: 10 most significant events in your life
1.) Day I finally moved out.
2.) Day I got divorced
3.) Day I lost the love of my life
4.) Day I decided to be more outgoing.
5.) Day I regretted that choice
6.) Day I met Him.
7.) Day I lost Him.
8.) Day I got married.
9.) Day I He found me again.
10.) Day I was accepted

Day 245: What is the last thing you baked?
cookies.. wait! no. it was brownies. *nods*

Day 246: The picture taken most recently
um... heh. no.
Sorry but it's NSFW and all. >.>

Day 247: What is the compliment you get most, What is the compliment you give most?
One I get? I guess its my eyes.
One I give: I don't have a specific one because I dont hand them out like candy.

Day 248: Who are you?
I am Ivy. No matter what anyone, even those who have know me the longest, says. That is who I am. My true name lay near death and buried under a pile of broken dreams and promises. She is beyond saving and I really wish people would stop attempting to do so.

Day 249: Your opinion on drinking/drugs
All things in moderation. Don't be stupid.

Day 250: Who do you text most
Lately it is a toss between Father and Chewy. But since I see Chewy nearly every day, Father wins the text war.

Day 251: If you died tomorrow.. would you want to tell anyone anything?
*sighs* no..

Day 252: Write a short love story

Boy meets girl. Girl becomes subservient to boy. Boy dumps girl. Girl retreats. Boy finds girl. Girl gives her whole-self to boy. Boy is seemingly apathetic. Girl ignores signs. Boy gets tired of girl. Girl finds another girl.

The End.

Day 253: What inspires you to write?
Pain and misery?

Day 254: List five things that make you happy
1.) Seeing my daughter
2.) Kitty cuddles
3.) Rain.. and lots of it.
4.) Serving Him
5.) Art

Day 255: List five things that make you sad
1.) Disappointing Him
2.) Losing a loved one
3.) Hot weather
4.) Not seeing Kindergoth
5.) Being rejected

Day 256: List your five favorite foods
1.) Red Meat
2.) Red Meat
3.) Red Meat
4.) Red Meat
5.) Pasta

Day 257: List your five favorite drinks
1.) Scorpion
2.) Blood of Christ
3.) Tiger's Blood
4.) Bloody Clown Suit
5.) Water

Day 258: List five things you want to say to ten different people at this moment
1.) I love you.
2.) I miss you
3.) Call me
4.) Visit
5.) um... i cant think of a 5th for all ten

Day 259: List five good things about your life
1.) I have a job. Yay.
2.) I have good friends.
3.) The Sound of Silence
4.) My fur babies
5.) My daughter

Day 260: List five bad things about your life
I don't feel like facing them at the moment.

Day 261: List your family members and how they help you daily
My friends are my family:
-Sammy Joe ~ keeps a smile on my face when I read her lj/facebook
-Christopher ~ keeps me in line... (much to my chagrin at times)
-Aeo ~ keeps me informed of things I am most curious about
-Chewy ~ keeps me giggling.
-Mila ~ the person i can feel old with

Day 262: List your five favorite songs
I dont have 5 favorites. I sing along to everything I have heard

Day 263: List what you did/plan to do today
I went to work and went home early.

Day 264: List your favorite stores
Oh.. Hot Topic as much as I hate to admit to it.
Fell in love with Wet-Seal, Forever 21, and Tilly's just because I love the accessories.
And numerous thrift shops.

Day 265: List how you did your make up today
I actually look very natural today. I wasn't feeling like going "all out" as usual.

Day 266: How are you wearing your hair
My hair is down..

Day 267: Post a picture of your outfit, or explain it
Im going to take the semi-lazy way and just explain what I wore yesterday since today I am being boring.
Yesterday I wore my hair up in a messy clip. I had on a black skin-tight bell-sleeved shirt with a corset over it. It was paired with black jeans and platform boots for most of the day. Accessories included a raven necklace paired with a silver chain that had a robot wearing a tutu and a spiked collar. (I love collars.) Black leather bracelets and my witches ring. Black (chipped) nail polish and awesome eye make-up.

Day 268: An old song you still like
This song will always be my favorite. ♥ ♥ ♥

image Click to view

Day 269: When you’ve had a terrible day, how do you deal with it?
Vent and try to make certain things are better the following day.

Day 270: An overused saying?
"That's what she said."

Day 271: How are you similar to and different from the majority of LJ users?
Heh. I think the majority of lj users are in Russia..

Day 272: What would your dream house/apartment/castle/tree house/loft/bungalow/etc. look like?
It would be an underground missile silo.

Day 273: Who makes your happier than anyone else?
I'm not saying.

Day 274: What was the worst thing to happen to you in middle school?
Not saying this either.. >.>
(too personal)

Day 275: Seven things that cross your mind a lot
1.) What time it is.
2.) Do I have enough money for this
3.) What should I wear today
4.) "Fuck"
5.) I need to clean
6.) Shower!!!
7.) What to doodle/sketch on my work notebook

Day 276: Six things you love
1.) My Patchwork family
2.) My fur babies
3.) Rain... didnt I answer this?
4.) Cool weather
5.) My daughter
6.) Art

Day 277: Five songs you like
Oh gee.. lemme think.
1.) Anything by Johnny Cash.
2.) Anything by Evanescence
3.) Anything by Bush
4.) Anything by Metallica
5.) Anything by Mind in a Box

Day 278: Four things you wish you could say, but might never
1.) I'm a size 10
2.) I have small boobs
3.) I'm short
4.) I don't need you...

Day 279: Three things you miss
1.) Kindergoth
2.) my kitty
3.) Him

Day 280: Two things you want
1.) A place of my own
2.) My own car

Day 281: One story of a memory you have

Day 282: What was the last movie you watched, write about it
Um.. It was The Story of O

I am Not going to write about it.

Day 283: Someone you would switch lives with for a Day and why
I do not actually have anyone I would switch lives with for a day..

Day 284: If you were stranded on an Island, who would be with you and which limited 10 items would you two have?
Christopher to keep my ass alive
Crossbow, a gun with plenty of ammo, fresh water, a knife, two blankets... actually screw the rest. I'd bring a fucking boat.

Day 285: Describe your perfect date
One that took place with the end of the world as a back drop.

Day 286: Write the difference between you and your best friend
They are male and I am female?

Day 287: What got you into this challenge?
It wasn't a what. It was a who. sra33

365 days, meme

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