Five Words

Nov 08, 2011 22:45

I dont post enough but I'm so tired right now that this just might work. So Mila gave me five words for things to speak about. And here we go:

Cemeteries ~ I have had an obsession with these for as long as I can remember. When I was a child, there was a cemetery on our block. I would pass it every day on the way to school. And when I was walking home, I would actually take a stroll among the tombstones on sunny afternoons. Being among the dead has never been a frightening thing for me. Instead I find it peaceful. Almost serene is a good way to describe it. On the weekends, I would return and sit between the graves while making dandelion crowns and decorations from other various flowering weeds that I would then lay on top of the headstones. I have very few pleasant memories growing up, but these memories as some that I hold very dear to my heart.

Voodoo. ~ An often misunderstood religion. More so then most others. However it is that and the beliefs that drawn me to it the most. I am a practitioner but I rarely write, let alone speak, about what I do. It's very personal to me. Its hard for me to put into words how I feel about it because none seem really adequate. (Plus, trying to explain my beliefs to people always make me feel defensive.) Since my padrino moved to Texas, I have become very solitary. I do not look for others mostly due to language barriers. There are some botanicas not far from where I work, but the owners are Hispanic and frown on me entering. The act as though they cannot speak English so I never ask them for help. Most of the time I go in, get what I know I need and then leave. However this has not stopped me from my practices. I have become very resourceful in acquiring what I need.

Abby. ~ Abigale Sciuto: The most inspiring person that is a fictional character in my eyes. Long before NCIS was introduced, I had struggled with my identity. The who "goth" thing was my downfall. I was told that I needed to "get over it" and "grow up". People were always insisting that the way I dressed and the things that interested me were "just a phase". It really pissed me off. I was very angry for a long time because of this. How people reacted to me made me become more and more of the stereo-typical 'anti-social' sort of creature that is mostly associated with this sub-culture. Then I "met" Abby. Upbeat, loving, addicted to caffeine, and super smart. I think what draws me to her most is the fact that she can be herself and is loved for it. Her friends are her family, much like what I consider mine to be. I'm not going to lie.. I am still pretty anti-social. But I will go out of my way for my friends because I love them and I will always try to have a good time. (Even if that does mean spending an evening at the Meet Rack...)

Friendship. ~ My friends are my everything. They are very, very, VERY important to me. I really do not have family so I rely on my friends for nearly everything. I am miserable without them and happiest when they are around. I love them all very much and can not stand when I lose them. For me it it literally heart-breaking. And I will always do my best to keep them. (Of course, as most know, especially with Vampy, this has not always worked well in my favor. We do have our ups and downs, but I never stop caring for them and I have never hated them.) When it comes to my friends, my door is always open. They can call/text me no matter 24/7. It doesnt matter if its 3am and I am sound asleep. I will always drop everything for them and get to them as soon as possible.

Boots.~ I love boots! There is not a week that goes by that I do not window-shop online and covet various boots. Especially since I have discovered Sinister Soles. If Ivy is sad, the sure way to make her happy is boot shopping. And I can never have enough, it seems. No matter how many different pairs I have, there are always new styles that I will want. Tennis shoes are lame in my eyes. Boots, however, rock my world.


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