365 Days: Days 198-225

Oct 03, 2011 09:37

Day 198: Do you have a set out path for your future yet?
I did, but it keeps changing. However the final destination of where I know I belong remains the same.
Day 199: A picture taken over ten years ago
I think this is about 10 years old...

Day 200: What is the last book you read, why did you read it?
Managing and Maintaining Your PC --- For school
Day 201: Whatever suits your fancy.( a picture, random facts, what you did today, your plans for tomorrow)

Day 202: What are your plans for tomorrow.
Um work... lunch, more work.. harassing my facilitator, scheduling a group photo, more work, and come home to play Farmville
Day 203: What did you do last Saturday?
Picked up my new PVC skirt from the post office, did laundry, grabbed a bite at Jack-in-the-Box, went for a drive, wrote a letter
Day 204: What is the last thing you had to save your money for?
Making a house payment. heh. For fun, the last thing I had to save my money for was building a computer.
Day 205: Do you have a job, if so, where?
Yes. (Yay!) It's located about 20 minutes from where I live
Day 206: Do you believe in love at first sight? why or why not?
No. Love at first site is a joke. Lust at first site is more accurate.
Day 207: What’s your favorite band?
Currently my favorite singer is Kerli
Day 208: Have you ever cried in a movie? which?
I cant remember
Day 209: Tell us about your family.
My family comes from all corners. They are not blood related yet they are the closest thing I have. They are awesome and I would do anything for them.
Day 210: What do you remember most about last winter?
I was sick. so very very sick.
Day 211: In a nutshell, What is your daily routine?
Get up. Check email, facebook, lj, shower get dressed, feed animals, go to work, come home, email, facebook, lj, play a movie and go to bed.
Day 212: A picture of you and your best friend

Day 213: One person you know you can trust?
Day 214: The person closest to your heart.. how do you know them?
deusexhumana - met here on lj many moons ago.
Day 215: What are your feelings on gay marriage?
People should be allowed the same rights no matter who they love. So I am totally for it.
Day 216: A letter to your crush
I don't have a "crush".
Day 217: List of some of your favorite LJs
annietopia raggedteddybear spookystyle gothimprovement askthekinksters sextips ontdcreepy placeofworship bjd_trade
Day 218: A letter to someone who you used to be close to
I honestly have nothing to write here as I have this person back in my life.
Day 219: A letter to someone you judged by first impression
Dearest M,
I apologize for automatically judging you to be a snob just because you are so insanely beautiful. Thank you for being my friend while we worked together. You are sweet and loving and have a beautiful heart. I hope life has been good to you.
Day 220: A talent you have
a talent? Um.. i can sing, though I have not done so in a very long time.
Day 221: A picture that makes you smile (I was so wasted here that it's not even funny.)

Day 222: A photography picture taken by you.

Day 223: What are you craving right now?
Quite frankly I am craving to be tied down, blind-folded, and.... surprised. >.>
Day 224: Bad habits of yours.
Bad habit? Keeping things to myself.
Day 225: A letter to your eight year old self.
Dear 8 year old self,
Listen to your gut. Don't be afraid to speak up and do not trust your mother. She will try and nearly suceed in ruining your life.
Follow your heart and do not settle just because it seems like you cannot have what it is that you truly desire.
Compliment people. Tell people how you feel about them. You never know when you will lose sight of them forever.
Travel every chance you get because as you grow older those chances fade.
And lastly, when you decide to move away from Florida (which is where you will spend a lot of your time), make a left in the town you stop in to rest. It will change your life sooner and you will not have to struggle to get back to where you need to be.

meme, pics, 365

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