365 Days: Days 179-182

Jul 04, 2011 14:53

Day 179: A goal you have this weekday

My goal is to enjoy my holiday doing what *I* want to do. I will deal with my issues with the world tomorrow, but today I am taking a "real" break from everything. And I must admit.. I am quite content in doing so. Cleaning, baking, and crafting is having a soothing effect on my psyche.

Day 180: How do you feel about discrimination

People are different and its rather pathetic how we discriminate against one another. Its stupid. Plain and simple. People need to get over themselves.

Day 181: What is the most inspiring book you have read

Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey

Day 182: Write a letter to someone who has hurt you recently

For someone to hurt me, they have to really be close to me. No one close to me has hurt me recently and the last time some one did was last year. Of course, that has been reconciled and we have moved on and grown closer. So I really have no recent heartache. Thus.. no one to write to.

Day 183: Why do you think people are so addicted to Facebook/LJ?

FaceBook - Stalking
LiveJournal - Voyeurism/Exhibitionism

....and friends may have something to do with it too

365 days, meme

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