365 Days: Days 117-131

May 13, 2011 19:08

Day 117: One guy who means a lot to you

The One who teaches me...

Day 118: If you were to get a tattoo, what would it look like

I have tattoos.. each is symbolic in nature. When i get another, it will be symbolic as well. My tattoos are my life story. They are images worth a thousand words and usually several months and sometimes years of memory. Right now, the one on my upper back is most important.. however, the one i place over my heart will take it's place in importance when the time comes

Day 119: What people in your life inspire you the most

My friends. Father, Aeo, Vampy, Nico, Paul, Sammy Joe, Annie.... Heh.. all guys except for two. Usually I would go into the "why" for each one but... I just don't have the heart to put into it at the moment.

Day 120: Something you hope you never have to do

give up

Day 121: What is your zodiac sign and what do you think it means

Libra and I know what it means. I'm analytical. I weigh every option. I can be, but choose not to be, manipulative. (Though Ecamer says I am yet when I ask how, he just says I don't even realize what I am doing and refuses to say anything else). My love runs deep so when I say I love someone, it always comes from the heart. And when I say I am in love with someone... well that comes from somewhere deeper and i have only admitted being such to One person. Those are just my words.. if you feel the need to know more, you can Clickie Here and it will tell you everything. Good and bad.. (if some of you drop off my friends list because of this, i want you to know up front that there are no hard feelings.)

Day 122: What do you think about stereotypes

I think people choose to be stereotypical.. which is fine.. as long as you dont get all pissed off and try to deny it when someone points it out.

Day 123: Which activities make you lose track of time

Watching dvd seasons, schoolwork, and apparently video-chat..

Day 124: Do you believe teenagers can fall in love

Sure they can.

Day 125: Have you ever had feelings for someone who was seeing someone else


Day 126: Have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy

Too many times to count. Even if they don't deserve it.

Day 127: Have you ever been betrayed by someone you trusted

yes. And now when it happens... there is nothing.

Day 128: Do you believe in second chances

*sigh* yes.. and 3rd and 4th and sometimes even 5th chances. Depending on the.. level.

Day 129: What is your life’s purpose

to serve

Day 130: Favorite month of the year and why

October/Nov because of Halloween and Dia De Los Muertos

Day 131: If you were deserted on an island, what would you bring

Someone who had enough survival skills to keep my ass alive and.. out of the sun preferably.

meme, 365

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