365 Days: Days 67-80

Apr 24, 2011 21:32

Day 067: If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be

Honestly? No one. Not because I don't want to live in the shoes of someone else, but because I would feel horrible for anyone who ended up taking my place.

Day 068: How you found out about LJ, and why you made one

I found LJ via long ago when it still required a 'code' to make an account. I have had various accounts since then. Most which have been deleted. (Main ones) and one isnt deleted cause I cant remember the password. Why I made one? No idea. I had nothing better to to on the interwebz but obviously I have been hooked ever since. And met quite a few cool people along the way. ^_^

Day 069: The best concert you have been to

Um, I'm ashamed to say that my concert tally is severely limited. So I will just go by when I worked security and say Cher's Final Tour. It was fucking fantastic.. and i'm not even a Cher fanatic.

Day 070: Powerful song lyrics you love

This one isn't fair. There are many. So I will just go with the ones that currently effect me the most: Crossroads by Mind in a Box

I have never seen this coming.
I have never climbed so high.
I have never thought this could
be the crossroads of my life.

I have never seen the choices,
I have never soared the sky.
I have always thought I am
living just to stay alive.

I let myself fall that night,
to be carried by the sound.
I let it all just happen,
without restraint or bound.

I was afloat in the night,
and it was the only route.
I could not hear my thinking,
the din was drowning it all out.

I went further and further,
the music swallowed me whole.
I had to push more and more,
to know how deep I could fall.

I felt my grip slip away,
and my time was running out.
there would be but one instant,
for me to vanquish my doubt.

how long since I slept?
how long since I ate?
how long since I felt?
how long since I cared?

I have never heard the voices,
they have never made me cry.
I have never thought this would
be the crossroads of my life.

I have never seen the choices,
I have never soared the sky.
I have always thought I am
living just to stay alive.

I have never seen this coming.
I have never climbed so high.
I have never thought this could
be the crossroads of my life.

Day 071: A celebrity you don’t necessarily enjoy, and why

Most of the teen ones.. because they are snots.

Day 072: Differences between you and your best friend

He is: Male, has become a door mat, losing himself, forgetting what's important, employed, loved by family, very very unhappy
I am: Female, less of a doormat, finding myself, starting to recall the importance, unemployed, disowned, finding my happiness

Day 073: List of everything you ate today

Um, a wheat roll, a tiny bit of ham, potato salad, bean salad, black olives and a cherry jelly bean

Day 074: A movie you'd bring to a deserted island and why

None. Island is deserted.. what good would it do? Even if i managed to save a movie, any device would have been destroyed by the salt water.

Day 075: How would you describe your style of clothing

Um... black?
Some of it questionable....

Day 076: What is one of the best dreams you have ever had

Two words.. X-Rated

Day 077: How do you feel about going green

With red hair, I'm sure it would look great! ...
oh.. that's not what you mean.
Um.. well I do recycle. And give old clothes to Goodwill and stuff. I haven't tried the cleaning supplies that claim to be safer for the environment yet. I'm not convinced they will work as well. But my anti-freeze is animal friendly...

Day 078: What gives you every Day inspiration

The fact that i WILL graduate, dammit. (The good grades help)

Day 079: Would you rather people be honest with you, even if it’s something not good, or lie to you to make you feel good

Absolutely.. i think I covered this in my last set of questions.

Day 080: Why do you feel as though people judge others

Their own insecurities.
Someone once told me that if you don't like someone, one of the main reasons you dont like them is because they remind you of a part of yourself that you don't like. I don't know if it's true.. but it is certainly food for thought..

meme, 365

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