The Elephant Room

Nov 24, 2010 06:32

It's the room we spend most of our time in. Twin computers side by side. Proudly built by yours truly. I wont go into the specs because that has all been done before and, frankly, there are now better home-grown computers out there. But they are still fast. Still have great graphics. Still can be used for a multitude of things. They are our babies.

Everyday you can find us there. It is the most used room in the huge house we bought. Recently I put a craft table up near my desk so I could work on other projects and still have access to my instant messaging program. Gotta keep in touch with the world, yo.

We talk, but not really. Most of the time, our conversations consist of "Hey, look at this", or "OMG, watch this clip". Neither of us addressing the real problem of lack of communication. If we have a problem, we write an email. It's easier then looking each other in the face. Faces show emotion. Eyes reflect sadness, anger, fear. Monitors allow what needs to be said, said. No inflections of the voice to worry about. No tear stained cheeks to face. And who can forget the option of "I'm not going to deal with this right now"? We see the emails. We have a feeling it's not going to be good. We have time to collect ourselves and deal with it when we are ready. There is no bombarding when our defenses are down. No yelling. No crying (that the other person is aware of). All issues are dealt with silently. Eventually the emotions that would follow work themselves into pieces of art, blogs, fictional stories.

Misery breeds creativity. The elephant in this room allows us that. So for now, we are content to ignore the obvious. At least until the power goes out.

Written for therealljidol week 4

lj idol, life

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