dream notes

Dec 04, 2007 06:37

Plane trip. My son is with me. There are two other woman with children among the passengers. The pilot is an old man.. thin. The plane is a small private one.
Turbulent weather, pouring rain. Forced to make an emergency landing over water. While flying excruciatingly low, the plane rips in half. Water is everywhere. It's like the world is flooding. Some how we end up back as the small airport we left from. We are scattered everywhere. We have to search for the kids. My son, another little boy who is younger, and a baby. We find them all together, very bruised but somehow okay and we cover them with dark green cotton blankets. Everyone is ok. I walk around and I see the pilot and I go to him and thank him. (For getting us down safely) I shake his hand while doing so but he doesnt respond.. he just stares at me and then walks away.

Thats when I know we didn't make it after all and that we are all ghosts.


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