Kindergoth seems to have some sort of inflammation on her thigh. Possibly a spider bite of some sort, looking at the swelling. The actual site is nothing more then a tiny prick. The redness around it makes it look rather scary. She has no fever though, and she is chipper as ever. I called the dr and he said just to keep an eye on it and soak her in the tub a lot. So that's what my plans are for the day. Turning my happy little 3 year old into a human prune.
The more I think of my dream, the angrier I become. And the bad thing is I don't know why I am so angry. Perhaps my past is catching up with me... I find myself thinking of my mother's husband and I become infuriated. He used to scare me for so long.. now this is no longer the case. I didn't think it was possible to hate someone as much as I hate him. I'm usually so passive..
Along with morphing Kindergoth, my plans consist of cleaning. I have already started and gotten quite a bit done. If all goes well, I may brave the hordes of individuals doing last minute holiday shopping. Pick the snakes up some food.. Perhaps hit Mrs.Tiggywinkles. That is such a magickal place for Kindergoth, and me as well. How can I not help but adore the fact that the workers are always dressed like faeries? I will have to take pics of this place if I go. Make even more use of my camera.
I did take a spontaneous trip toward the mountain. Despite lack of snow (from what I could see), the roads were blocked *pouts* Ah well, save the gas I guess. I really wasn't dressed for the cool weather anyway.
I guess I swill go clean now. Change the sheets on Kindergoths bed and vacuum everywhere that has carpet and sweep everywhere that does not. I am determined to get my tree up this weekend.
Perhaps make pie!
"Elena: Yes, were you looking for something?
Alejandro: A sense of the miraculous in everyday life.
~The Mask of Zorro