E.S.P. , dreams and all that "other stuff"

Apr 08, 2007 06:54

I've been sitting here god-knows-how-long trying to figure out what to write. Frankly, when it comes to psychics, I'm skeptical. Even when I, myself, have dreams/visions/whatever, I'm skeptical. Perhaps it is because society has ingrained in me that such things are not possible, therefore I can't help but doubt everything even when I'm experiencing it for the up-teenth time and every time before this, things that I have 'felt' or 'saw' have come to pass. Perhaps it's because I worry too much about what others might think.. I have no clue. Even when it comes to my beliefs, I always have doubts.. Not something I would readily admit to anyone in the real world. It sucks and I wish I had the confidence to just go with my gut. But I don't. (And that's really hindering when I'm trying to do stuff, ya know?)

Anyway... Been having several dreams as of late. Had one last night that I was out at a (rather large) karaoke bar with my neighbor across from me. She was completely wasted and wanting to go home with her boyfriend, who was also completely wasted. And I was trying to talk her out of it because I "knew" they were going to get into an accident. They were going to leave after he finished singing his song. She kept asking me how I knew this was going to happen... and I was afraid to tell her. I woke up feeling as though I really needed to make an effort to become a closer friend because she is going to get really hurt by this guy. And I'm not just talking about emotionally. (But then there is that panicky part of me that just wants to pretend nothing is going on and the part of me that says "It's just a dream, ignore it."... but what if it's not?)

The night before, I had a dream (once again) that I was in the middle of a green field with my niece and a stereo. I asked my niece to turn off a stereo and she got all pissy and started moving the stereo around looking for a button on the back to turn it off. I tried to tell her that it all she had to do was push the button on the front with the little green light (it's a dream, so its weird) but she wouldn't listen. Then all the sudden she started yelling at me saying how much she hated me for marrying her uncle and taking him away from her. (And she really does resent me for that, her mother, my MIL and P have all told me this. She just has never said it to my face.)

And the night before that, dreams involving Dante and Vampy... I really don't want to get into those yet. I'm still (over) analyzing them.

The whole thing probably makes me sound rather idiotic and I'm sure there are those of you rolling your eyes while reading this, which is precisely why I hesitate to post such things 90% of the time. But whatever..

Anyway... your thoughts are welcome. Concerning the dream about my neighbor, should I just let it go? Is it really 'just a dream'? Or should I follow my gut and take it for what I feel it is, which is something a bit more?

witchy stuff, kin, dreams

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