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May 07, 2007 08:45

The Other Side of War: Women's Stories of Survival and Hope
by Zainab Salbi

I HAVE to get this book!  I heard two stories today that almost made my cry!  They were interviewing the author (who happens to be the daughter of Saddam Hussein's personal pilot!)on BBC this morning.

The first story was about a woman who was involved in the Rwandan wars.  She was hiding out in a church with her seven children.  After the bombing and shooting stopped, this woman buried herself underneath her children who had all been shot during the battle and hid there until the soldiers were finished searching for people inside the church.   Her luck ran out later and she was recaptured, but eventually escaped again after being raped and tortured.  Since then she has settled down and adopted 5 Rwandan orphans.

The second story was shorter, but I almost broke down for some reason.  It was about a couple that was running away from a battle in their village and the husband fell and broke his glasses.  He yelled to his wife to go ahead without him and save herself, but she refused and carried him the rest of the night and the next day until they were safe.  Maybe this one affected me so much because I'm missing my own husband so terribly.

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