Feb 24, 2012 21:38
I do realise this will open a platform for bleeding heart liberals to whine on and on, but
please read the WHOLE of this before you boil over.
PLEASE NOTE - people on JOBSEEKERS ALLOWANCE - i.e. STATE PAID BENEFITS (aka YOUR TAXES - and I mean YOURS, because, due to the present massive downturn in the economy, I no longer earn enough to pay any.....), are NOT, therefore, actually 'working for nothing', if asked to stack shelves at Tescos, or paint old lady's houses.....
I am not saying it is a perfect scheme, because it patently isn't, but there is, right now, a genuine shortage of work - particularly amongst the younger sector, while people like myself now have to contemplate working till we are 138, due to institutional Fu$"ups; but the idea is to give people on long-term benefits some hope, EXPERIENCE, and an all-important entry on their CV, where there is otherwise very little 'real' work for them.
We are considering taking on an 18yo as a volunteer, so he can get some work experience, which will otherwise be EXTREMELY hard for him to get. Given the dire state retail is in, we certainly cannot afford to pay him, and there is no job waiting for him with us at the end of his stint with us, but we will give him an opportunity to gain confidence in a working environment, and we will give him a reference for future employers.
Does that make us at Witchcraft Limited into pariahs? I would be sad if anyone on here thought so, especially as we are trying to give a young, desperately under-qualified, and totally inexperienced person SOME SORT of chance, yet larger employers are being castigated for doing their bit, even when they have made it CLEAR that there will be no work at the end of it, DUE TO THE STATE OF THE ECONOMY, which we can all see working, or rather NOT working right now.....
We owe it to those on these schemes to let them get on with it.
You are as always welcome to point out the error of my ways.....