29.4. - 1.5. 2016, BRNO
Only shortly after my return from Ósaka I was packing up again - for otaku convention this time, for our annual paradise of anime - AnimeFest 2016.
It was a great weeked, though quite difficult in a way. It was my (and my sis´) sixth time attending it, my boyfriend for the second time. I cannot imagine not going there each year anymore. It´s the biggest (and the oldest) anime-manga-Japan related con in our country; this year with 3 900 visitors! It really grows each year, attracting more visitors, having more beautiful and worked-out cosplays. Not to mention that the organizers did an awesome job as always, from expanding the space for the convention to promotional video. I´m really proud of Czech otaku community. ^^
Originally, we planned to visit many lectures and see a lot of screenings (and we managed at least some of them, including Ghost in the Shell movie), but it ended up with us being busy with a little different stuff... We cosplayed Shingeki no Kyojin (
http://myanimelist.net/anime/16498/Shingeki_no_Kyojin) characters - Hange Zoe (me), Levi (my sis) and Erwin Smith (my boyfriend) and somehow we didn´t expect to raise so much attention.
There were many other cosplayers from the same anime, but we ended up quite popular anyway. XD We were photographed so many times that I felt like some j-pop idol, all of us even encountered our own ´fans´ (of the Shingeki characters I mean) and in the end it was really tiring. But DEFINITELY WORTH OF those efforts to dress up in the hookshot harness for 3DMG; it felt really great to be appreciated like that. It was our best (and most successful) cosplay so far. ^^´
I´m sorry I will not be more specific or detailed in the description of this event *please, fill in my usual excuse*, nothing can replace going there and trying the atmosphere for oneself, anyway.
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A/N: Some photos to be followed only in Friends-locked post.