Author: Kasumi
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Western, Drama, Romance
Warning: AKame pairing; vulgarisms, violence; No beta-reading
Summary: Once upon a time in the west... During the wild period of the United States formation, the two guys met, became close friends and lovers, before they had to go separate ways again... Jin is
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Comments 17
Well, maybe it isn't the best meeting ever but I'm still happy about it. :)
More action with this chapter. Good, I missed action scenes lately ;) (Even though I miss fluffy/romantic, at least a little, scenes even more. <3)
I hope they will catch Harvey later before he catches them all. Hm... somehow I think he might work for Tabor. I mean, it's kind of weird that there wasn't many people protecting the delivery - I would be suspicious in Riders place.
I hope you will have time to write next chapter quickly because you stopped in a moment that just screams for continuation! XD
I have to say that it feels somehow... different to write about them "together" from when they were apart.
Anyway, I had planned this form of their reunion long in advance, so sorry about it not being very romantic. XD
There will be EVERYTHING in RW!! I have the actions scenes on my mind, as well as the other kind of scenes... Believe that your patience with me will pay off. ;)
Harvey... I´m glad that you really think about that situation properly, I do not get this often from my readers. ^^´ I would rather not comment it further though...
Thank you, dear. <3
I will try to provide you with the next one soon, but it will not be so quick this time. Once I find time for it, the writing itself will go smoothly, somehow I have no doubt about it, as I´m thinking about this part of story for a long while now, but the free-time will always be an issue... :/
2 chapters while I was gone :D wow :D
I´m still sorry for Jin for what happened but I believe in revenge :D Muhahah
I knew Harvey will lie to Kame when it will be dangerous :/
Even Kame tried to hide it was too late ....
I´m soooooo happy that Jin came :D
YAYYY I´m looking forward what will Jin do to those who beat up Kame but probably nothing, Leo would not let him :D :D
Also Kame and Koki will meet again YAY :D
waaa :D I´m so glad that I´m home and I catch up with story :)
Thank you for writing as always :*
Glad I managed to prepare this nice surprise for you. ;)
It´s not easy to forget what Grenet had done to Jin, neither for him, nor for me...
Harvey was just fishy from the very start, right?
I bet Kame was happy to see his saviour as well. XD
Well, I suppose the next chapter will be... interesting. :D
I´m happy to see you here again!
I hope that you enjoyed your vacation!
Thank you too!! <3
I can´t wait for next chapter :D It will be definitely amazing ^^
Thank you :*
I enjoyed even 2 days it was raining but on last day sun was so strong and now I´m burned (spálená :D takýto výraz používam po prvý krát :D )
but it is best to be at home :3
I hope that the next chapter will meet your expectations. ;)
And be more careful about the sun, dear. ^^
And I can confirm your assumption, that is not any spoiler - Harvey was really lucky enough to notice Ryo.
´Jin-Koki combo´. :DDD
Thank you too!! ^^
I'm also curious about other characters, especially members of Black Riders and Jane.
I can promise that they WILL continue together for quite many chapters from now on. But as for the development, naturally I will not comment on that. :P
Gradually, I´d like to introduce some of the characters closer to you. I didn´t want to overwhelm my readers with the new names so I started with it only slowly. We will certainly know more about Jane, then also Koki and Ryo (not unexpected, I suposse), about Cullen too. As for the others I will wait for how the story will turn out and what will fit there. ^^
Děkuju, Jani! Ráda tě tu opět "vidím". ;)
Díky moc, tahle kapitola byla úžasná a napínavá a jsem moc ráda, že už jsou spolu, mají si toho tolik co říct!
Těším se na pokračování, teď už zase musím čekat :D Nečekala jsem, že to zpoždění doženu tak rychle, trochu mě děsilo, kolik kapitol je přede mnou, ale nakonec to bylo tak zajímavé, že jsem to zhltla jedním dechem :D Doufám, že se všechny mobilní komentáře zveřejnily tam, kde měly a příště už snad zase anglicky, ať si ji procvičím :D
Díky, měj se krásně a já (ne)trpělivě čekám na další ^-^
Tak já tedy výjimečně napíšu i českou odpověď. :D
Moc moc ti děkuju za všechny komentíky, už jsi mi u RW opravdu chyběla. Docela jsem koukala, když jich na mě vyskočilo hned pět. XD
Jsem vážně potěšená, že se ti RW tak zamlouvá, že jsi to i v angličtině dohnala tak rychle. ;)
Leo... Z počátku jsem si nebyla jistá, zda ho dokážu podat uvěřitelně, ale stačilo pár scén s Jinem, uvědomit si, že je přece jeho bratříček a už to šlo skoro samo.
Harvey, Grenet, a další mnou úžasně vymyšlení záporáci - samozřejmě, že jim ještě "pěkně" zavaří. Ale jinak - no comment. :X
AKame reunion... Docela to trvalo, pravda, ale tobě to vlastně uteklo dost rychle. :DDD
No, a co se týče další kapitolky... Včera jsem chytla tu správnou náladu a vysedávala u Wordu až mě rozbolela záda, takže si troufám optimisticky tvrdit, že by se tu mohla opět objevit docela brzy. ;)
Ještě jednou děkuju!! ^^
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