Two weeks ago I visited my second anime convention this year - it was the first year of NatsuCon in Prague.
It was much smaller event than AnimeFest, which is the biggest gathering of Czech otaku, so it had quite different atmosphere, but I really liked that. It was calm, friendly and pleasant place to turn off from the reality and just relax among people, who are obsessed with the same stuff as myself. XD
Funny thing was, that this con was presented as usual anime and manga fans convention or better say, it was disguised for it. But most of the lectures and programm was related to BL, lesbian and gay topics, slash fanfictions, plus even J-pop, which was something I didn´t experience here in Czech Republic before. With my sis we had a lot of fun there, managed to visit so many lectures as never before on AnimeFest and went for a lunch to the Chinese restaurant. Most of visitors were guys, which was a little surprise for us, as we are used to girls dominion here, especially regarding the topics which I wrote down above. XD
Of course, my list of things which I want to see or read got longer again, sigh... For example, Hunter x Hunter, which originally ran already in 1999! I think I can never catch up with the "old and classic" animes.
I also saw "Summer Wars" movie, directed by Hosoda Mamoru, which I can only recommend - awesome animation and very interesting story.
As for KAT-TUN lecture, which I was very curious about, I only got persuaded on my own eyes and ears, what Johnny´s advertising can do with fangirls thinking... I would be able to remake almost the whole presentation. But at least, I enjoyed the part of watching KAT-TUN´s PVs on bigger screen than my notebook. XD
In overall, it was an event, on which I want to go again. ^_^
Some photos...