
Mar 03, 2009 20:23

I need alternatives to swearing that don't sound kinda silly in a room of teenagers and will accurately sum up my frustration in a way that "Darn" and "Shoot" don't (Plus, I sound silly when I say them). Bloody hell works for many situations (it's probably not that much better, but plenty of kids have seen the Harry Potter movies)... but not all of them, and using candy instead of swearing is what someone else in my class does... It would feel like I was stealing her thunder (Seriously, I considered it once...)

Yes, Lyndon, I know resolving not to swear is NOT HELPING me appear in any way terrifying. But it's not like it's that big of a difference, anyway. I'm still going to blame my lack of being scary on your height. It's hard to frighten someone ten and a half inches taller than you.

Though, to begin with, I barely swore in the first place and I've never called anyone anything worse than Prick or Jerk, like... ever...

Which is really funny, because I know lots of things to call people in foreign languages that are hardly appropriate, and yet I've never used any of them even once! Hah! (Okay, so I called myself an idiot in Japanese when I FINALLY made the connection between 'aru' and 'arimasu' but that does not count.)

And on a random note, I refer to everyone with 'san' or 'miss' or 'mister' in my mind, so if I randomly start using honorifics late at night, that's why. It's a natural habit I'm trying to surpress, and it's not working too well, even though combined with my tendency to use full screennames, it sometimes just sounds... weird... even in my mind...

And... er... I will totally post fanfiction at some point... later... oh look! Gotta go! *runs*


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