I'm in Florida ATM. My aunt is paying me to come stay with her and babysit her kids for the summer. Considering I'd be spending the summer babysitting for free anyway, I figured it was a good deal and I get to go swimming. Taking care of two children who already think I'm awesome is better than taking care of eighty children and ten immature teenagers.
But I do have internet access! Not all night, but Dad let me borrow a laptop and I'm saving up to get a better one. I even have my tablet!
*fidget* So... I wrote some fics. Thinking of posting them on FF.net later, but for now I wanted to see what the people who read my LJ think... *Hides*
Title: Approval
Characters: Black Star, Maka, Soul Eater
Pairings: Hinted Soul/Maka
Rating: K-13
Timeline: Pre-series
Summary: Soul was thoroughly new to anything not-normal when he arrived at Death City. And in his opinion, the fact that Black Star would completely disregard whatever Maka said and then beat the daylights out of anyone who wronged her was weirder than the fact that they worked for the god of Death.
When Black Star first met Soul Eater in the hallways of Shibusen, he'd punched him.
(He'd been lucky - a week later, Black Star learned to punch people with his soul wavelength.)
Soul had retaliated, and soon enough a teacher and a crowd had gathered around to watch. Soul had four inches on Black Star, but it hardly mattered - Black Star was the obvious winner, though Soul had doled out a decent number of bruises in return, and neither boy had escaped a trip to the infirmary.
(Nygus was the nurse at the time, and had sighed at Black Star and scolded him and apologized to Soul, letting the scythe know that he really had no idea what he'd gotten into.)
Maka had found them there, and surprised Soul by taking one look at the situation, rolling her eyes, and hitting Black Star over the head with an encyclopedia.
(This was the first time he'd seen the Maka Chop, but certainly not the last.)
This was when Maka still used -kun on his name and Soul was a little bit more polite to her and a little less protective. They had only been partners for a few weeks, and they had just started moving their stuff into their new apartment.
(Soul hadn't yet learned that he was partnered with the Death Scythe's daughter, or her family situation. )
They were still working on adjusting to training with each other, Maka with the balance of his weapon form and Soul with letting himself be wielded. They showed promise, even though neither knew exactly what they were doing.
So of course, he didn't quite understand when Black Star cleared his throat after recovering from the book to the head, declared "I approve," to Maka and was hit with another book.
A/N: Black Star and Maka have known each other since they were kids... And Black Star is perfectly willing to go take down an evil organization on his own when Maka is cursed by Arachne. They honestly remind me of a couple of siblings... and what kind of brother just casually lets a boy move in with his sister without checking his worth first?
Title: Conflicted
Characters: Soul
Pairings: Maka/Soul
Rating: K+?
Timeline: Just after the CD Drama
Summary: As weird as Maka had been acting, Soul can't help but be taunted by the kiss that never happened.
A part of him wondered if he shouldn't have let her kiss him.
It wasn't like it was a horrible idea, being kissed by Maka... But it would have been wrong. His meister wasn't one of the simpering girls who sent him letters - drawn in by his albino looks and fairly muscled body - Maka hated romance. She thought the only thing it did was cause trouble: a result of the pain from her parents' separation and subsequent divorce.
(She had seemed more receptive to it, lately, though. She had been thrilled when a waiter had called her pretty. The flattered smile hadn't left her face until Soul had been irritated enough to insult her again.)
And besides, when and if Maka was in love with someone, she wouldn't shout about it. Maka was only confident as far as books and hitting things were concerned. The moment things switched into emotional territory she lost her way. Letting her carry on like she had been would have been like betraying her.
"Stupid Death Scythe," Soul muttered darkly to himself, cursing Maka's father for putting him in that situation in the first place. 'At least my stomach has finally stopped bothering me. And at least we got him back for that,' Soul let himself relive the expression on Death Scythe's face when the man had burst through the door, expecting to see his worst nightmare - Maka and Soul in a relationship - only to find a very pissed off weapon and meister.
But even though they'd gotten their revenge, Soul couldn't help but think back on how smitten Maka was with him while under the influence of the Motemote Alpha.
And then there was their ploy on Death Scythe. Even though it was an act and they weren't even acting like themselves, their little show had been strangely alluring. He couldn't help but remember what she had been saying.
"Hey, Soul... would you please..."
"Kiss me?"
Soul turned bright red. "Stupid Death Scythe." He made a note to do something very, very mean to the cross scythe in the future.