May 23, 2011 09:53
I was just wondering.
A lot of you mig)(t )(ave seen us trolls swimming around, w)(ale, we trolls )(ave t)(is stupid t)(ing called a ')(emospectrum', it's a blood based status system our kind goes by, or did w)(en we were )(ome.
But, I wanted to ask, do )(umans )(ave a caste system too?
everyone's the same,
culling is stupid,
fishy puns,
glub glub,
hemospectrum fishiness
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..What color is yours?
There are lots of different castes in all of humanity; depending on which country you're studying, they all range in severity and basis.
But )(umans don't )(ave castes t)(ey's born into?
Oooorrr, do t)(ey, t)(ey just are different depending on w)(ere you live?
Wait, countries?
Where I live, everyone's worth is considered by one of three things:
-Whether or not they're a Meister, and the star level if they are. Weapons are also considered higher than "normal" humans; you'd have to ask a Weapon. They usually see themselves as weaker than Meisters unless they're older. Death Scythes are the highest standing for a Weapon and are treated with great respect.
I'm a three-star Meister, and a teacher, so I'm usually treated fairly.
[might also have something to do with the screw in his head.]
In other countries, people are considered "born" into their social castes, and can do little to nothing to change their standing in their society's eyes. It's a very strict rule.
In some countries, women are considered lower than men, and are treated thus.
It all depends on where you go.
I )(ave to say it's a bit sad to sea t)(at kind of treatment in otters plaices, but I suppose it makes sense, even if it is dumb.
If you don't mind me asking, w)(at is a 'Meister" exactly?
And w)(at do you mean by weapons? You talk about t)(em like t)(ey're people! UNL-ESS, you're using t)(at word as a decriber for a certain KIND of person?
A Weapon is a type of person - someone born into the Weapon bloodline, with the capability to connect their Meister's soul to their own and to turn physically into their Weapon form.
T)(at's actually... pretty cool!
Are t)(ere more of you guys or weapons swimming around )(ere?
There's also Black*Star, a Meister.
I )(aven't met any of t)(em yet!
I'll remember to ask aboat it if I do t)(oug)(!
You asked me w)(at MY blood color was rig)(t?
It's ROYAL purple!
[ohhhh he gets it. clever, hussie.]
What are the other colors?
And t)(at's not my fis)(ness to say.
Glub glub.
My subjects?
Are there a lot of different colors? Unpredictable? Or is it all a certain color spectrum?
I tec)(nicuttley am royalty.
I just don't like to t)(ink of anyone as my 'subject', or 'subjects'.
T)(ey're unpredictable as far as I know!
I'm pretty young so I )(avne't been taug)(t everyt)(ing yet.
But t)(ere's a spectrum, and I t)(ink anyone can be any s)(ade along it, eac)( decided w)(ere t)(ere are in t)(e caste system.
I'm t)(e only one of my color t)(oug)(.
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