May 23, 2011 09:53
I was just wondering.
A lot of you mig)(t )(ave seen us trolls swimming around, w)(ale, we trolls )(ave t)(is stupid t)(ing called a ')(emospectrum', it's a blood based status system our kind goes by, or did w)(en we were )(ome.
But, I wanted to ask, do )(umans )(ave a caste system too?
everyone's the same,
culling is stupid,
fishy puns,
glub glub,
hemospectrum fishiness
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We s)(ould be )(appy!
And t)(ere's not)(ing wrong wit)(your blood color Karkat, stop being dumb.
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it's reely sad t)(at you t)(ink t)(at.
And I know, even if I t)(ink it doesn't matter, I understand t)(at it does to some of us!
I never planned on leaking blood colours, besides my own.
So don't worry mister fussy fins.
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t)(at was R-E-ELY bassanine.
)(ow do you know w)(at I )(ad to deal wit)( eit)(er?
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[And for the record, when is he not angry enough to talk to her. XD I'd say his anger gauge is always at max.]
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