Sep 07, 2008 16:16
First of all I must thank Winkingstar for the nice burst of creative energy that is now making me write in my journal. She friended me, and I her...and then I read her journal entries about returning to grad school. A neat woman going for a post grad degree that will have her surrounded by books....a woman after my own heart.
My anger about SGA being canceled finally spilled out in a response to a posting for a 'youtube vid' with some of the cast of SGA talking about the cancellation. I didn't realize just how angry I was until then. That response is posted on sheafrotherdon LJ. If you have never read anything this excellent, very good, most talented author posted then go and find it now. Her Iowa farm AU is one of the best out there.
So I have decided to use this to thank all of you out there who have given me so much pleasure over the years with your fanfic and your friendship. There are many times when I want to pull the covers over my aching head and give it all up...but then I fire up the laptop and away I go, into the realms of action, adventure, rocket ships, love, laughter, sword fights, ZPM's, high school days, cowboys in space, you name it, it is there waiting for me. The truth is really out there!
I love science fiction! I love books! I love movies! and I love fanfic!!!
Thank you so much...all of you. If I started to name you all I am sure that I would miss someone and I don't want to do that. So read this and think of me giving you a big hug and all the chocolate, tea, MRE's, coffee, or what ever gives you joy in large, large amounts.
As most of you know with my health problems I come home from work and for the most part crash...would love to have a house brownie to do all those chores around the condo cave, lord knows I've tried to teach the cats how to do them, and we all know the results of that. Am hoping that one of benefits of retirement will be that I will have the energy that is going into work now, to do the things that I want to do then. Like keeping the LJ up to date. That is if this old retired witch will be doing anything interesting that you might want to hear about...and wasn't that self serving to the max?
Weekends are spent doing most of the things that I should have been doing after work...and some serious sleeping. OK, I'm a sloth in human form. It is one way of storing up energy for the coming work week.
Since March of this year, when my throat was nicked during an ugly scoping session, I have had to take more prednisone in the last 6 months than I have in the last 5 years all together. I just finished another round of the stuff trying to reduce the swelling in my left knee. My immune system, already compromised by the accident, is now really shot to hell...and I am on antibiotics to fight a bladder infection.
The stress of this last year at work fired up my acne rosceae, so I have the complexion of a teenager. The prednisone doesn't help that either.
Didn't realize I was stressed until that showed up, along with the depression that settled in in July. Yes, I take an antidepressant, but was down to two a day and had been for the last two and half now back up to three a day. It is great, I am sleeping at night again and not ripping peoples heads off and throwing them back at them. Just think...steroid rage and depression, not a happy mix.
Am also using a cane to walk with at times, more for balance than support. And I have a sharp cane, lovely flamingo pink handle and cats!!!! up and down the is a work of art. A Leila cane in all ways. Can also use it to hit people and drag things to me. I live to multi task.
So dear friends, your continued support will be most appreciated...encouragement, recipes using cat food, fanfic, virtual hugs and chocolate, anything you want to share will be welcomed with open arms.
I will try to write more often since time is rushing it's way toward retirement without any help from me...but I can't promise for now, I just can't.
With love on this lazy Sunday afternoon........