Logic Ever so Circular.

Oct 26, 2009 20:54

I actually loved the end of this Penny Arcade Post .

It does well to sum up how folks online seem to argue about software piracy.

For those to lazy to read, this is the segment I'm refering to.

"A centralized defense against piracy is also suggested, and things tend to go downhill quick after this. It is not a mischaracterization to say that conversations with the hardcore PC community about software theft follow these tenets:

- There is no piracy.
- To the extent that piracy exists, which it doesn't, it's your fault.
- If you try to protect your game, we'll steal it as a matter of principle."

I just love how this not only sums up the arguments online..but shows how they seem to contradict each other.

I have actually hear these arguments from folks several times (online and off), and they have never held water for me.

First thing, if you make it easy to steal and it is hard to prove it is stolen , people will steal it. Even if they can afford it normally.

Second, if stealing it becomes too easy, a culture will develop where stealing is normal. And therefore justified. And this will create arguments like what is seen above.

To paraphrase a comment in the video below: If you steal a game the developers won't want to release it on PC. Just consoles.

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