Feb 24, 2008 17:48
since I have posted. My job still sucks. My supervisor says I don't know and I don't want to know what you're doing. She has major black white issues which I really don't understand. Sometimes I think she is just jealous of me but I'm not really sure why. She was off Friday and I had the best day I've had in almost 6 months. Mentioned it to our director when I was leaving that I'd had a great day and it was so nice that the office was quiet. She grinned really big and said you missed Jackie! Obviously being sarcastic. I guess she does understand at least to some degree. Good news is after six months with the state I can transfer to another department. Got a couple options. Keep your fingers crossed that something comes thru.
I really don't understand Jackie. Her son who is 7 and in the first grade is having issues with his teacher. Jackie says it is because she is white and not from the hood. You know there is a whole generation who grew up in integrated classes and had friends of all races. There isn't the prejudice that there once was. Yes I grew up in segregated schools but have never considered myself prejudiced. My best friend in Ohio was a black woman. We spent days together laughing and having a good time. We were married to service men which I guess is a leveler but you really get to know people. I really get pissed at folks who refer to race for issues they have. My grandfather and his brothers were folks that I really wouldn't have wanted to meet on a dark street. But he was good folks and I assume his brothers were but they were coal miners from the appalachians and their looks just gave me the willies... but I have always tried to take people at face value. Anyway, Jackie has given me faces behind my back that others have seen. The word is that if looks could kill, I'd be dead. Really don't understand her and after 6 months am ready to give up trying.
So, better stuff. Phil had a great birthday. A friend had given us a $100 gift card to one of the expensive specialty grocers - Kobe beef type place. We went there and i told him to get whatever he fancied for his birthday. We bought cheese, seasonings, crackers... nothing really special. What he really wanted for his birthday was curry at home. He does love my curry.
He lost one of his aunts a couple weeks ago. She was a really neat person. Had a stroke about 3 years ago and had been in a nursing home since then. She slurred her words and her handwriting was a mess but the brain still worked and was an interesting person. She had another stroke and I guess it was for the best. She woke in the night and went to the bathroom and collapsed with the last stroke. She died an hour later. I had an aunt who did the same thing (collapsing in the bathroom in the middle of the night). Unfortunately, she lived for a year or year and a half before her sister finally pulled the plug. At least Bea went fast.
We got a panicked phone call from his mom last night. His daddy had called from the nursing home and said he was coming to town today. AT&T earned their keep in getting me in touch with the nursing station where we found out he was just dingy. The nurse in charge said there is no way he was going anywhere. But my mom in law was really in a panic. She does pretty well by herself and in some ways I feel she is releaved. He was always the 'man of the house' but had gotten to the 'it's my money, i earned it and I can spend it how I want'. And he found some ways to spend it that was really just throwing it down a rat hole. He was such a smart man. Alz has taken away all that he was.
Funny story. My best friend has several labs that are foundlings. Not rescue league foundlings but labs found on the road or who have wandered up to her house. They know who the dog people are. Anyway Buck is a weather dog. He has for some time wakened her during the night to the point of jumping on top of her to get her out of bed. he wants her to move to the walk in closet and then he sleeps across the door during the bad weather. Well, recently, she was reading a book in her favorite chair in her bedroom when Buck started taking all the pillows off her bed one at a time and moving them to her closet (and she has lots of pillows and the bed is high and he had to used steps to get to them). Then he grabbed a throw from another chair and moved it to the closet. Lastly, he went where she was sitting and just stared at her. She got up and moved to the closet with her book (since all this started she has even put a reading lamp in her closet. Once she was 'safe' Buck laid down across the door. Twenty minutes later the weather/tornado sirens went off. What a dog. He is huge even for a lab but a real sweety and obviously loves his mom.
Well, I guess that's all. Oobladee, ooblada, life goes on...
One of these days I'll be able to post that life is going smoothly - or at least I home so.