this is one of the first times in a very very long time that i am truly happy. yes, i don't have a boyfriend, and yes i won't have a job in a couple months and haven't found one yet in cali, but i can look past all that and revel in the fact that i am very happy! i know the reason for this sense of euphoria is that the relationships and friendships i have with people here in NYC have gotten a lot stronger. i've been hanging out with rach, triccia, chrissi, bev, and joyce non-stop for the past week and i cannot get over how i'm constantly laughing when i'm around them. i know i have great friendships in cali too, but it's different. i'm going to miss this comraderie.
it's been a very expensive week. it started off with the midnight showing of "new moon" at kips bay with kahtee, joyce, and bev, and all the other twi-hards. luckily bev showed up at 9:30 pm because there was a crazy long line by the time i got there at 10 pm. i ended up taking the day off the next day. there is no way i would have been able to survive a whole day at work off of 4 hours of sleep.
chrissi's bday was on thursday, so we went out on friday to this tapas restaurant called pipa in the flatiron district for dinner then headed over to this ghetto club called taj nearby. triccia got the hookup and we got a table and a free bottle of grey goose. the people there were eh. i was afraid to bump into the girls because i thought they would beat me up.
my girls!
the next day, we drove up to boston for triccia's bday. she got a hotel room at the W that we shared- 6 people on 2 full sized beds, which made for a night of uncomfortable sleep. it was worth it though. we got dinner at rustic kitchen to celebrate then went to triccia's friend's party, which ended up being a frat party. i can't believe i've outgrown frat parties. such a shame. we took a cab out of there soon after then cabbed it to this place called gypsy bar. they tried to charge us each a $10 cover, but ended up just letting us in for free. who the hell pays cover to get into a club? it's just not right, i tell you. we stayed until the club closed at 2 am. damn i'm going to miss NYC and how places don't close until 4 am. i'm kind of over boston. there ain't shit to see or do.
disgruntled at a frat party
triccia's first (and second) keg stand! i had the dubious job of making sure her tatters didn't fall out of her dress.
last night was triccia's actual bday, so we went to sea restaurant in williamsburg. god i'm tired and poor. my test is tomorrow afternoon and i'm progressively doing worse and worse on my practice exams. NOT a good sign. i figure i'll do one more practice exam tonight and do some last minute cramming tonight and early tomorrow. if i don't pass, i won't be taking it again.