Title: The Slytherin Way
Word Count: 100
Pairing: Pansy/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Challenge: Promises
The cold weather meant she'd have a runny nose tomorrow.
Hermione didn't care.
She was pressed against the castle wall, lotion-soft hands holding her skirt up and her thighs apart. A cold nose bumped her clit, a tongue flicking beneath it. Someone could walk by at any moment.
"This couldn't wait?" Hermione gasped, nails dragging on rock.
Pansy pulled away, grinning nastily. "I promised I'd pay you back for fondling Ron at supper. I hate it when you pretend to like boys."
"A Slytherin always keeps her promises now?"
Pansy licked her lips thoughtfully, touching a finger to Hermione's clit.
"Well," she conceded. "Her threats, anyway."
Whee! Fem!slash. I need to write more of that. And more, in general.