My Vid Rec + Your Vid Rec = Vid Sex Fest WTF?

Nov 04, 2009 00:09

I've been watching a boat load of videos in the past week. I may have ignored an assignment or two until the last minute in favor of vid-watching, actually, but who cares, onto the glory! I was thinking tonight that often videos take the high road when they focus on a ship, the romantic road, the 'this is why they are in love' road. But what about those videos where they just, you know, have sexual tension and fuck and stuff, pardon the speech? Sure, they can be in love, and they probably are, but what about the videos that focus on the sexual tension? You gotta love those. PWPs in vid form.

So I pose a rec-fest of sexy relationship videos. Het, Slash, RPF, Harry Potter/Broom, whatever your interest. I have to admit, I have a particular interest in Sam/Dean (SPN) right now, because I'm falling in love with them all over again, so I'll give you extra cookies if you rec a sexy Sam/Dean video, but I want all you've got!

My Rec: Give it up for me, please by proofpudding. Sam/Dean (wincesty). Hot, awesome, and lots of eye-fucking. The sexual tension in this video is crazy.


vid rec

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