New Vid: Better (Formula 17)

Jan 16, 2008 13:36

I warned you that I'd be more active, right? I blame this on keepaofthecheez, just so we're clear.

Video Details

Title: Better
Song: "Better" by Regina Spektor
Video Artist: Fabella (wistful-fever)
Summary: A not so stupid person once said that hope was radical. What does that say about romance? Number One Playboy Bai finally finds his match. Bai Tieh-nan/Tien. M/M Slash.
Fandom: Formula 17 (Taiwan)
Length: 3:16
Format: xvid avi

Warnings: Adult Situations (no nudity)

Disclaimer: Formula 17 does not belong to me. The same can be said for Regina Spektor's 'Better'. No profit is made from this venture.

Download Details

66.5mb @ megaupload (best quality)
66.5mb @ mediafire
53.2mb @ megaupload
53.2mb @ mediafire
Watch On-Line @ imeem
Watch On-Line @ youtube

Links Last Updated: 1/16/08

Better - Regina Spektor

If I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all

Born like sisters to this world
In a town where blood ties are only blood
If you never say your name out loud to anyone
They can never ever call you by it

If I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all

You're getting sadder, getting sadder, getting sadder, getting sadder
And I don't understand, and I don't understand
But if I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all...

Formula 17 (@ IMDB)

The source I've chosen this time is pretty obscure (I'm not sure whether any of you will actually watch the video), at least as far as the U.S. goes, but I'll blame keepaofthecheez for introducing me to this movie. Formula 17 is now, forever, my happy-maker. It was made in Taiwan in 2004, and was the only movie to make a profit that year. It's a little over the top and a lot beautiful, and the first time I saw it I smiled so often my face was sore after. It revolves around Tien, a happy go-lucky guy searching for love, and Bai, a playboy suit dead-set against it. And they're PERFECT for each other. There begins the conflict. I've provided a download of it for those who are interested in seeing it.


Formula 17 - english subtitles
Part 1: (150mb)
Part 2: (150mb)
Part 3: (150mb)
Part 4: (150mb)
Part 5: (1.4mb)

Watch On-Line @ Veoh:

I split this into 5 parts with HJsplit, and you will need HJsplit to rejoin them. The program is free and quick to download if you don't have it already. DO NOT RENAME ANY OF THE FILES AND TRY TO PLAY THEM until you have used HJsplit to join them. The complete joined file is the one you want to play.

Vidding Notes:

This video pretty much speaks for itself. It's where I'm at in my life right now, so it's kind of fun to portray that in videos, though my next video? FILLED WITH ANGST. So. Enjoy this while it lasts, if, uh, anyone actually downloads this vid. Why did I go from vidding Stargate: Atlantis with its massive interactive fandom to vidding Formula 17 with its total lack (as far as I know) of fandom? Hmm. I think it's because I can't help myself.

I kind of had a format I was going by here, which is necessary with dual povs. I tickled myself pink when I had the beginning finished, because it was so fun to do that 'meet sad Bai' - 'sad Bai sees Tien' - 'meet awesomely upbeat Tein' - 'Hello, Boys!'. It still brings me joy to watch that.

I have to take a moment and thank lim for introducing fandom to Regina Spektor, because I would not be the same without her music. And this song was such a match for this movie that it was like a month straight vidgasming while making it.

Hmm. What else? Played around with mattes in this video, as I'm sure those of you who HAVE seen the movie will notice. Did some minor color work. Let myself run free with metaphors again, which I haven't done in a while. Tried to believably go from angst-to-happy-to-angst-to-happy a million times or so. Tried for a mannequin cutting style in some areas. Fell head over heels for vertical blurs. Vidded a happy ending. For once.

Had fun? Oh yes. This was so fun to make. Hopefully it will be as fun to watch.

Feedback is lovely. That is, if there is anyone out there to give me feedback on this. ::throws video at the void::

songvids, bai tieh-nan/tien, vidding, slash, forumula 17

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