time to shake the pom-poms

Dec 22, 2006 00:40

This guy, right here:

And his song: right here, has officially broken into mainstream. It's at 99 on the charts. That's not the greatest, but it's definitely a start, and the attention the song is finally being shown is promising. Also, I signed up for E-Quest Alerts at Kiss 98.5 so I could know when they played the song. When I first signed up, it was once a day, *maybe*. Today it's being played three times. He's getting there. I hope the song keeps rising. Top 50 at least.

I swear I have non-JC, non-nsync stuff to talk about. Like, for instance, obsessive24 recently posted a video that BROKE MY BRAIN with how incredible it was, and I want to dedicate a post to my thoughts on it, because I *need* to. Until I can organize my thoughts enought to do so, consider this a instant!rec. It's Clark/Lex, Smallville, but more than just Clark/Lex. It's awesome.

recs, jc, nsync, music

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