Vid Recs

Nov 17, 2006 02:28

Since I'm actually on livejournal tonight, I'm going to make a second, very important post (two posts in one night? from me? what's THAT about?)

Both obsessive24 and ringwench have new videos out. They're probably my very favorite vidders, and I can send you over to them without any hesitation, despite not having watched all of them myself. That's how much I trust them.

When I'm in a block, I can't watch vids by other people. I become truly envious and downright bitchy. Just a little character flaw of mine. I'm back on slow speed internet now, anyway, so there won't be a whole lot of downloading for a while, I think, which sucks, but at least you guys can watch them and tell me how great they are. I can experience the vids vicariously through you.


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