Vid Rec!

May 21, 2006 23:14

martoufmarty owns my *soul*. She just blew the top of my head off with her latest video, which I can just NOT stop watching. It packs a literal punch.

Feeling Good
Supernatural (gen): Sam, Sammy, SAM! (SPOILERS FOR SEASON FINALE)

This video seriously *rocks*. It grabbed me by the throat and has yet to put me down. It is Sam, and it is Supernatural, and it is that totally fucked up family. It's what's important to Sam, and what drives him, and it's Sam&Dean too, in any way you want them. She owned Sam in this video. I don't watch a lot of SPN vids, unless they're rec'd to me, because I can't keep up with the fandom's output, but this is just. *flails around* I haven't seen a Sam vid like this yet, and I *needed* it.

Please go watch this and give feedback. I mean it. I'll DO something for you if you do.

recs, vid rec

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