Hooker/John (Bobby/Darien) Kink In Motion PART B: Pic!Spam!runomg!!!
Warning: So image heavy your computer *will* eat your head. Feel free to use the pics for whatever.
BACK TO PART A Now, for comparison, Darien tries to bribe Bobby *without* the influence of Quicksilver Madness, which just shows how close QSM!Darien is to sane-on-his-good-days!Darien.
Incident The Second: The New Stuff 2x22
Hobbes goes to Fawkes' apartment after Fawkes vanishes from The Agency when he finds out The Official betrays him. The FBI guys show up. Hobbes is not happy.
Fawkes: You guys are early.
He goes to finish packing.
Hobbes: Jones.
Jones: Lithium!Bob! What's he doing here?
Hobbes: (betrayed) No, not the FBI, Fawkes. No, no.
Darien doesn't say anything, continues packing.
Hobbes: Why, Fawkes?
Darien can't look at him.
Jones: Maybe he's tired of being teamed up with a joke.
Hobbes: Wanna hear a joke? Why Bobby Hobbes kick Jones's face down the stairs, you know why? Because he wanted to. Ha ha ha ha!
Hobbes goes at Jones, but Darien runs after him, pulls him off.
Fawkes: Look, you said it yourself, Bobby, I'm not going back to burglary.
Hobbes: Why the Feds, Fawkes? Why the Feds?
Fawkes: In all the movies I seen, they're usually the least corrupt.
Fawkes: And they're paying me ah GS9.
Hobbes: GS9, huh?
Fawkes: Yeah, is that good?
Boss!FBI!Guy!: And your own office.
Fawkes: Right, that's right, new office and digs downtown.
Hobbes: GS9. That's good.
Fawkes stares at Hobbes, has a realization.
Fawkes: Guys, I got a problem.
Boss!FBI!Guy!: Not with our deal, I hope.
Fawkes: Well, that depends on you. Um.
Boss!FBI!Guy!: What do you want?
Fawkes: Since I would like to avoid being teamed with a joke, I would like you to hire Bobby Hobbes here as my partner.
Jones: *laughs* What?
Fawkes: At the full GS9 salary rate.
Jones: No way!
Fawkes: Oh, and uh, could you transfer Jones to Alaska please?
Boss!FBI!Guy!: Done.
Fawkes is utterly satisfied with himself, holds up his palm for the patented Fawkes/Hobbes slap*slap*bump.
Fawkes: Hmm. Don't leave me hanging, brother. Here we go. Give it up. Come on.
Hobbes isn't as satisfied. He turns away from the hand.
Hobbes: Sorry, partner.
Fawkes is left standing there, taking that in slowly.
Fawkes: Excuse us.
He moves up behind Hobbes, speaks into his ear.
Fawkes: Dude. GS. NINE.
Fawkes waits to see how Hobbes takes that, obviously expecting that to win him over.
Hobbes: When Bobby Hobbes returns to the majors it's gonna be on his own average, my friend.
Fawkes: Yeah. Okay. Um. You know what Hobbes, I don't think you're really understanding this okay.
He stops, looks back to see if the FBI!Suits! are listening.
Fawkes: We can rule this joint, okay. I am there golden boy.
Hobbes: You sure are.
Hobbes: Thanks for the beer. I'll see ya around, partner.
He walks out. Fawkes is... aw fuck, you see the pictures right? You see what Fawkes is. OMG, SHUT UP THAT'S MY BABY IN PAIN RIGHT THERE.
But do you see what I mean? He keeps getting Bobby confused with a hooker, who can be bought. And somehow that appeals to me, is one of the things that gets me every time I see those scenes, makes me want to write I-Man fic that no one will read (why, oh why, are there so few active writers/readers/vidders in this fandom?) where Bobby calls Darien on his habit of trying to PICK BOBBY UP LIKE HE IS WEARING HOOKER HEELS which just breaks my brain, because the image of Bobby actually wearing hooker heels? I adore the guy, and he's the kind of sexy that *grows* on you the more you see him in motion, but... no. No hooker heels. Stop it, Fawkes.
Advance Warning: there will probably be a lot of pic!spam throughout this summer to help me get through the long show-less months. This is me basically hanging posters on my cyber-wall to moon at like I swear I never did as a teenager. That *wasn't* me that had her entire room plastered with magazine cut-outs. You're getting me confused with someone else. I do promise to always keep the picspam behind a cut so that it's easily avoidable.