some bad news

Feb 06, 2006 14:31

I was surfing crack_van's friend list today (yeah, I'm geeky enough to surf friend-lists not my own), and I came across some troubling news. Since it's the first I've heard of it with my news resources, I thought it would be a good idea to pass the link along, because we should really educate ourselves about the now and the future of the frightening internet changes that are/will be/might be happening.

Beyond the dragnet spying on *everyone* in the U.S.(google is in some serious danger because of the gov's orders there), now we're in danger of being charged action by action on the internet. Think, for instance, you were charged for each livejournal comment, each partially loaded page, each photo embedded in the .html. All the while some bored wo/man keeps track of our data farts, sees 'mckay/sheppard' and 'nc-17 slash' searched yet another time, and knows stuff about you maybe even your family doesn't.

So we'd be paying to get spied on, basically. So much for the great freedom of knowledge and information the internet was so famous for and my fourth grade teacher spoke so incredibly high of when he was teaching us how to use it. I can see myself, despite all computer-addiction issues, completely ending my internet usage. I mean, as okay as I've become with my kinks, the reasons why I'm so attached to Supernatural and Numb3rs is not something I want a stranger judging me for. Admittedly, strangers do ANYWAY, because my journal isn't locked, and I'm sometimes fannishly active, but at least it's a controlled reveal, and it's by my choice, which is very important to me. Time to go back to old school fandom, maybe?

twistedchick has some very useful links that explain the situation better.


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