Vid Recs

Dec 08, 2005 23:42

I just finished the longest vidding marathon of my life. My life so far. I totally wasted my days off on it. Although perhaps 'wasted' isn't the right word for doing something I enjoyed. Let me put it this way: sleep? no. coffee? yes. going out dancing? no, sorry, can't, busy. vidding? you're threatening me, aren't you.

I'm a little in love with this video right now, and that's horrible to say, so to save my karma from all time lows, I'm going to rec Videos That Are Better Than Mine. Of course, that could be a million vids, so I'll shorten it to the ones I've had on replay for the past month. I don't download as many as I used to, and this makes me sad, so let's not talk about that.

Vid Recs

Karaoke Soul, by lithium_doll (lithium_chic)
Invisible Man. A dark, and sexy look at Darien Fawkes. Who knew that Quicksilver Madness could look so fricken tempting.

Weeping Willow, by sisabet.
Invisible Man. Darien Fawkes. Bobby!Hobbes! This video IS love. It ripped me up, and put me back together, and it's this perfect character study that will suck you into the fandom. If you can't take a new fandom right now, don't watch. If you can, watch NOW.

Drive, by ringwench
Supernatural. Gen. Dean. Dean, baby, Dean. This is a video that gets to the heart of him, with some awesome editing that follows the beat to perfection. It gives Dean's protective big brother side a softer, less overbearing light.

All Because Of You, by barkley.
The O.C., Seth/Ryan, season one. Fast clean cuts that really capture the feel of the show, and the honest to goodness happy love between Seth and Ryan. More Seth focused than Ryan focused, and fun, very fun. I could dance to this vid. I never say that.

Note: The link takes you to a journal entry for another vid. You need a password to get into barkley's site.

*If you like my vids, you'll like these more, trust me.
*Give the vidders feedback. Seriously. They don't bite.

Vid Site Rec

Tolerable Cruelty is a Vid Awards Site, but before you roll your eyes, I'll vouch for it. This one is different. It's not a popularity contest, and it's not about friends patting each other on the back (although that's fun, too, don't get me wrong) --- it's an honest competition, and the judges review the vids that win, the good and the bad. I know a lot of you are excellent vidders, and this would actually be a good place to submit your vids.

*puts down cane*

/end pimp

recs, vid rec, vidding

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