Spot That Duck!

Jun 08, 2005 01:15

I'm geeky and bored tonight, so...

... the symbolism of rubber duckies in Due South, Season "Three/Four" ...

After reading this essay, which happens to point out the significance of the rubber ducks used in the Due South episodes Burning Down the House, and Spy vs. Spy, I said to myself, "Cool! Rubber ducks equals gay sex!" or something like that. Anyway, I learned that rubber ducks were a popular symbol in the gay community at the time (and still are? I'm a rural bi. We know jack.), and the essay, pointing to those two example of rubber ducks appearing on Due South for no apparent reason --- convinced me that there WAS a reason, and that reason was Fraser/Kowalski.

So, there I was, all convinced that rubber ducks equaled gay sex equaled Fraser/Kowalski, and then last weekend, I finally got around to ripping the dvds so I could vid them in July. You see where this is going? Yeah, I discovered that wow, Burning Down the House and Spy vs. Spy were only two examples of rubber ducks appearing randomly in the Kowalski season of Due South. I spotted the rubber ducks in two more episodes, besides: Strange Bedfellows (twice), and Mountie On The Bounty, pt. 2. Details further down.

Now, you may think this is completely obsessive, but to defend myself:

a) I'm a sucker for evidence.

b) We all know that Paul Gross was aware of slash fiction at the time season three/four was being filmed. And additionally, we all know that PG likes to think of himself as a "free thinker" --- his words --- is it really such a leap to think that in the season(s) he had quite a lot of creative control over, he would insert this type of innuendo and subtle gift to the initiated? I think the rubber duck phenomenon is just one more mark in the 'purposefully homoerotic' column for the Fraser/Kowalski slashers -- there's just no other way to explain the rubber duckies suddenly popping up everywhere, with such convenient timing, is there?

c) As other writers know, the story is in the details. What a character is surrounded by are important to the way that character works, who that character is. The details make up that scene, that point, that plot. For a good writer, no detail is meant to be random (although, definitely some are less important than others, and are MORE random). They can allude to an inner turmoil, have a deeper meaning, hint at something within the character. That's why writer's choose to show certain details over others --- because they move the story along, and/or, they explain, without saying directly, the particulars of a character's psyche. I won't even go into the whole 'Fraser has a secret closet' aspect of Due South. Let's stick with the symbolism of the yellow rubber duckies, shall we?

The Challenge

Think of this as a fun game that's just an excuse to watch all the eps again.

Find the yellow rubber ducks in the Kowalski Due South eps (if you can possibly not be distracted by the raging "totally homoerotic" scenes between the F and the K of F/K) --- and, hey, the Vecchio eps, too. Because I may not swing boy Rays in the sense of Fraser swinging both Rays, but I like me some Vecchio. It's a sure bet, I think, that they'll be in more than the four eps -- or even, in more than the scenes I've spotted them in.

Or maybe not.

But that's the challenge I'm giving to my friends list, and anyone else who wants to lend a hand --- see if you can spot the suckers, and report back to me. Let me know, and I'll add it to the list (I'll even plant your name as the flag of discovery). Season, episode title, and scene, please.

The List Of Rubber Ducks, As Spotted In Due South

Burning Down The House - spotted by Genie Chua

1) When Fraser and RayK drive Vecchio's car into 'the lake they call Michigan', the crate they drive through on their way to the water is filled with the yellow rubber duckies. The create breaks apart, and they go everywhere. That scene, which extends into Dief getting out of the water, Fraser pulling RayK out, and then the standoff with Garbo, and the resulting Fraser/Kowalski moment, is pretty much surrounded by the ducks -- they fly through air, they float in water, they're all over the ground. It's all good fun.

Strange Bedfellows - wistful_fever

1) In the opening scene, the one where Fraser's mental state is being examined and he keeps hearing chainsaw noises from the closet, the little rubber duckie sits on one of the boxes behind Fraser, watching over the entire scene.

2) When RayK shows up at Fraser's office/bedroom at the Consulate unexpectedly at 4am, the duck, in the same spot as (1) continues to look on.

Spy vs. Spy - spotted by Genie Chua

1) In the second to last scene, where Fraser and Ray discover the location of the arms shipment, Fraser opens a crate to see what's inside, and a crapload of rubber ducks come tumbling out.

MOTB, pt. 2 - wistful_fever

1) When Fraser and RayK are fighting their way through the water flooded corridors of the Henry Allen, a rubber duckie floats around them at one point, unnoticed by either of the men.

That's it, so far --- but interesting, none the less. If you're a geek (and enjoy reading into things) like me.

EDIT: I haven't posted in nearly two weeks. WTF?

fraser/rayk, due south

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