Don't you know a rhetorical question when you see one?
When you use the demonstrative "those," are you referring to my statement "There are no words" or the words (e.g. the dialogue) in the video? Could you clarify that for me, or would it make a difference in the argument? Also, will you please accept my acknowledgement of my mistake, in using supercalifragilisticexpialidocious as an example despite its obvious uselessness, since after all I did say myself that there were no words? Would it help a little to know that I was not hoping merely to sound precocious or even to make me girl me wife, but had a greater cause (that of finding words) in mind?
Are you saying I didn't think you could do it? How could you ever say I thought you were a fool? Can't you see that I know how the respect-o-meter works with you, and I was just insuring that you noticed my challenge, since the repeated, oddly phrased, and twisted question-statements just might not be enough?
...Do you think this game loses a lot of its challenge when it's done through LJ comments, on which it is possible to think indefinitely before responding, thus eliminating the entire point of improvisation?
Do you have a problem with my signing Sincerely-Question-Mark? Would you rather I signed Meilleurs souvenirs? Or Amities? Je t'embrace? Grosses bisses?
Alors, comment trouvez-vous ceci... Veuillez agreer, Monsieur, agreer l'expression de mes sentiments distingues, Autumn ?
Hm...question time is over. I agree that doing this via LJ does ruin it completement, parce que l'on peut penser, comme tu m'as dite.
Well, given the context of the argument is regarding words you have written, I would not find it necessary to refer to the video in any way, shape, or form. It's irrelevant to the argument. It's trivial to say that the phrase "There are no words" as a literal description of the video automatically fails, and so I must assume that you're attempting to describe your inability to find words to describe the video. The proof is left to the reader. And why would you need to find words? You clearly have words. You do not search for words, they do not have a constant physical location in the context of typing on the Internet.
From your claim, the challenge was hence from the beginning null and void; thus, it was trivial to even waste the electricity within my brain to even begin to consider it. Thank you for robbing my vitals of their needed electricity. Do you want me to die?
Le problème reste avec le nombre que tu as écrit. Qui est "Billy-Joe-Bob-Bubba-Jim"? Moi je comprends pas pourquoi tu as écrit son nombre. Est-ce qu'il t'a laissée écrire son nombre ? Il se peut que tu ais fait quelque chose incorrecte... Mais à la moindre tu as utilisé ton vrai nombre la dernière fois !
Ouhai, je toi suis d'accord. (Did that make grammatical sense?)
True, I don't search for words in a literal sense. That would be absurd; the image of myself, stooping with a magnifying glass while traversing comes to mind. But surely the clichéd metaphor of "looking for the right words" is prevalent these days? I guess I should have been more specific, and said that I, at that time, found myself unable to phrase words that would describe the video clip to my satisfaction.
Pourquoi continuez-vous à dire "nombre"? Ne voulez-vous pas dire "nom"? J'ai voulu être étrange et j'ai voulu avoir une excuse pour faire une question. Cela est pourquoi j'ai utilisé le nom "Billy-Joe-Bob-Bubba-Jim", et pas me vrai nom.
(Yay! J'ai appris comment à écrire les marques d'accents sur l'ordinateur!)
Yes, I have an AIM screen name. Technically it is my mom's, since I've never taken the trouble to make my own. I'm almost never on AOL anymore these days, parce que my DSL est le diable and is very temperamental in that it makes a connection when it feels like it (it's doin' an awful lot of feelin' all the time...) which makes for a lot of unpredicable loss of connectivity. This is a lot easier to deal with on Internet Explorer than on AOL, and I don't have AIM independently installed on my computer. Should probably get around to that...
However, should you find me online and wish to drop me a proverbial line, the screen name is dreambiz1. If you should send a message and find yourself seemingly ignored, please don't be offended. My mom uses it too, and she never responds to any of my friends' messages. Cheers!
(Et bon soir... ma mère devient irritable.) Alors, bon soir, et à demain, peut-être!
Autumn (pas chacun autrement)
P.S. Oh, j'ai oublié--what is your AIM screen name? XP)
J'ai téléchargé AIM déjà, et je t'ai mis dans ma liste des amis déjà--tu est trop retard.
Je comprends de ta "nombre" erreur. Je le fais tout le temps. Cependant, je ne parle pas deux langues similaire (je n'inclus* pas anglais, bien sur) pour devenir confuis.
*Is "j'inclus" the correct present conjugation of "inclure"? My dictionary says to conjugate it like écrire, but I wasn't sure whether to make it "clis" or "clus." The latter seemed more logical, mais avec français.... je ne sais pas.
If I make silly grammatical errors en français, correct me, svp! A lot of this for me still comes down to putting things together intuitively, and occasionally using the dictionary. :)
Mmm. Des fautes que tu as faites. Je dirais que tu écris bien le français, surtout pour quelqu'un en français II. Mais, si tu voudrais des corriges: "J'ai déjà téléchargé AIM" plutôt que "J'ai téléchargé AIM déjà"--même chose avec mettre. Bien que je sache que celui-ci est une faute stupide que tu as faite, on dit "tu es" plutôt que "tu est" :) Et, pour ta dernière phrase, je pense qu'il est meilleur que tu dises "Mais je ne parle pas deux langues similaire; donc, c'est plus difficile de devenir confuis." OK, je ne corrige plus.
Quel est mon nom? Mon nom de AIM? Tu devois demande? C'est dreambiz1, bien sur!
Merci beaucoup pour le "link" (comment dit-on "link" en français? Ou "website"?)!! J'avais (treading on unsure ground here... imparfait??) plus besoin de quelque chose comme ça.
Ah, merci encore pour le correction de le placement de mes adverbes! Il m'a préoccupé pour trop beaucoup temps.
What about prepositional phrases (like the one above--if it's even correct)? Should they be moved, too, or is it more acceptable for them to follow the verb?
|:( Tu est difficile maintenant. Tu est menacer, avec ton sévère corrections. Je pense que tu est grossier pas pour remarquer que mes fautes, ils est petite... Ils est typos.
Alors, merci beaucoup encore une fois que tu m'as corrigé. Je les apprécies. N'arrête pas!
When you use the demonstrative "those," are you referring to my statement "There are no words" or the words (e.g. the dialogue) in the video? Could you clarify that for me, or would it make a difference in the argument? Also, will you please accept my acknowledgement of my mistake, in using supercalifragilisticexpialidocious as an example despite its obvious uselessness, since after all I did say myself that there were no words? Would it help a little to know that I was not hoping merely to sound precocious or even to make me girl me wife, but had a greater cause (that of finding words) in mind?
Are you saying I didn't think you could do it? How could you ever say I thought you were a fool? Can't you see that I know how the respect-o-meter works with you, and I was just insuring that you noticed my challenge, since the repeated, oddly phrased, and twisted question-statements just might not be enough?
...Do you think this game loses a lot of its challenge when it's done through LJ comments, on which it is possible to think indefinitely before responding, thus eliminating the entire point of improvisation?
Do you have a problem with my signing Sincerely-Question-Mark? Would you rather I signed Meilleurs souvenirs? Or Amities? Je t'embrace? Grosses bisses?
Alors, comment trouvez-vous ceci...
Veuillez agreer, Monsieur, agreer l'expression de mes sentiments distingues,
Well, given the context of the argument is regarding words you have written, I would not find it necessary to refer to the video in any way, shape, or form. It's irrelevant to the argument. It's trivial to say that the phrase "There are no words" as a literal description of the video automatically fails, and so I must assume that you're attempting to describe your inability to find words to describe the video. The proof is left to the reader. And why would you need to find words? You clearly have words. You do not search for words, they do not have a constant physical location in the context of typing on the Internet.
From your claim, the challenge was hence from the beginning null and void; thus, it was trivial to even waste the electricity within my brain to even begin to consider it. Thank you for robbing my vitals of their needed electricity. Do you want me to die?
Le problème reste avec le nombre que tu as écrit. Qui est "Billy-Joe-Bob-Bubba-Jim"? Moi je comprends pas pourquoi tu as écrit son nombre. Est-ce qu'il t'a laissée écrire son nombre ? Il se peut que tu ais fait quelque chose incorrecte... Mais à la moindre tu as utilisé ton vrai nombre la dernière fois !
By the way, do you have an AIM screen name?
True, I don't search for words in a literal sense. That would be absurd; the image of myself, stooping with a magnifying glass while traversing comes to mind. But surely the clichéd metaphor of "looking for the right words" is prevalent these days? I guess I should have been more specific, and said that I, at that time, found myself unable to phrase words that would describe the video clip to my satisfaction.
Pourquoi continuez-vous à dire "nombre"? Ne voulez-vous pas dire "nom"? J'ai voulu être étrange et j'ai voulu avoir une excuse pour faire une question. Cela est pourquoi j'ai utilisé le nom "Billy-Joe-Bob-Bubba-Jim", et pas me vrai nom.
(Yay! J'ai appris comment à écrire les marques d'accents sur l'ordinateur!)
Yes, I have an AIM screen name. Technically it is my mom's, since I've never taken the trouble to make my own. I'm almost never on AOL anymore these days, parce que my DSL est le diable and is very temperamental in that it makes a connection when it feels like it (it's doin' an awful lot of feelin' all the time...) which makes for a lot of unpredicable loss of connectivity. This is a lot easier to deal with on Internet Explorer than on AOL, and I don't have AIM independently installed on my computer. Should probably get around to that...
However, should you find me online and wish to drop me a proverbial line, the screen name is dreambiz1. If you should send a message and find yourself seemingly ignored, please don't be offended. My mom uses it too, and she never responds to any of my friends' messages. Cheers!
(Et bon soir... ma mère devient irritable.)
Alors, bon soir, et à demain, peut-être!
Autumn (pas chacun autrement)
P.S. Oh, j'ai oublié--what is your AIM screen name? XP)
Mon nom au AIM est AxiomaDaEscholha, comme je t'ai dit aujourd'hui. Télécharges AIM !
Je comprends de ta "nombre" erreur. Je le fais tout le temps. Cependant, je ne parle pas deux langues similaire (je n'inclus* pas anglais, bien sur) pour devenir confuis.
*Is "j'inclus" the correct present conjugation of "inclure"? My dictionary says to conjugate it like écrire, but I wasn't sure whether to make it "clis" or "clus." The latter seemed more logical, mais avec français.... je ne sais pas.
If I make silly grammatical errors en français, correct me, svp! A lot of this for me still comes down to putting things together intuitively, and occasionally using the dictionary. :)
Et tu as raison à propos du verbe "inclure," mais il faut que tu saches que je l'ai cherché sur internet :) Mais "j'inclis" n'est pas sensible...
Mmm. Des fautes que tu as faites. Je dirais que tu écris bien le français, surtout pour quelqu'un en français II. Mais, si tu voudrais des corriges: "J'ai déjà téléchargé AIM" plutôt que "J'ai téléchargé AIM déjà"--même chose avec mettre. Bien que je sache que celui-ci est une faute stupide que tu as faite, on dit "tu es" plutôt que "tu est" :) Et, pour ta dernière phrase, je pense qu'il est meilleur que tu dises "Mais je ne parle pas deux langues similaire; donc, c'est plus difficile de devenir confuis." OK, je ne corrige plus.
Merci beaucoup pour le "link" (comment dit-on "link" en français? Ou "website"?)!! J'avais (treading on unsure ground here... imparfait??) plus besoin de quelque chose comme ça.
Ah, merci encore pour le correction de le placement de mes adverbes! Il m'a préoccupé pour trop beaucoup temps.
What about prepositional phrases (like the one above--if it's even correct)? Should they be moved, too, or is it more acceptable for them to follow the verb?
|:( Tu est difficile maintenant. Tu est menacer, avec ton sévère corrections. Je pense que tu est grossier pas pour remarquer que mes fautes, ils est petite... Ils est typos.
Alors, merci beaucoup encore une fois que tu m'as corrigé. Je les apprécies. N'arrête pas!
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