The nth anniversary of my 30th birthday.

May 19, 2010 00:48

Growing up, I got jealous of friends who shared birthdays with really awesome folks. My most famous natal-mate was... Perry Como. A few years ago I became a huge fan of 30 Rock and Tina Fey, and the buttercream frosting on the cake was finding out that we share a birthday! That, and left-handedness, but the birthday thing is much cooler. So, happy birthday Tina! (Er, a day late, according to the clock.)

I'd give yesterday a "B+". A couple of my sweet girls gave me hugs, and the kids were remarkably well-behaved for the last week of school (aside from the knock-down-drag-out fight I tried to break up. No, I was not one of the combatants.) I also saw the standardized test results -- my students kicked some serious ass! This was my highest pass rate ever! I also found a good deal on the Orlando hotel, saving me $80. Since I did things with friends over the weekend, tonight I just hung out on the couch, with pizza from Mellow Mushroom and NPH on Glee. Oh, and my darling friend elly427 wrote me some RPF!

I'm not thrilled about getting older, for various reasons that sound like such cliches when I type them up. Can't stop time, though, so I might as well accept it. I felt been rather lonely all day, and that's my own fault for not making more personal connections. But I'm fairly healthy and am really fortunate compared to many. So I guess that's the important thing, right? :)


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