BSG 4.18 - "Islanded in a Stream of Stars"

Mar 06, 2009 23:24

Insta-reactions time.

Excuse me, I have something in my eye. Oh, screw it. I'm teary. Not sobbing (yet), but teary.

1. See what I meant about how the past few episodes have been setting up what appears to be the endgame? Granted, the pacing was off, but the pieces are there. Or, in Galactica's case, they're all IN pieces. Assuming that everyone does abandon ship, then I suppose that's the most fitting end for the series if it can't be happily ever after ... and since when has this show been about that? Still, it's just so heartbreaking. I am SO excited to see where this leads in the next three hours of the show. :(

2. Many of us speculated that this would be all about Roslin's death. I appreciated, if not liked, the idea that she might get a whole episode devoted to her. Instead, she's hanging on, just like they all are. I really don't forsee a resolution in which she'll make it out alive -- unless she somehow gains eternal life, which is too out-there for this show -- but it will be such a sad thing to watch. She has lived a full, amazing life, and now she's home.

3. Oh, KARA. Gods. She's soldiering on the way she always has, but I think she finally turned a corner and might now be facing those fears and guilt and finding a way to live with herself. Knock on wood.

4. MOTHERFUCKING GAIUS BALTAR. And I don't mean that in a good way. Okay, yes, that scene at the memorial service was completely in-character for him. And yes, it was probably the kick in the ass that Kara needed. But still. GODS. Such a horrible, horrible thing to do to her.

5. PILOTS. Too little, too late? I guess so, from one perspective. But damn, I loved it. He made her smile. He has been far too absent from her life since the Demetrius (and I put much of that on his shoulders, because I get the vibe that she wanted more but was resigned to waiting for him, and then Sam got shot and everything went to hell, etc), but he still believes in her. "I don't care. We've all been through some crazy, crazy stuff. I don't care what you think you saw. I watched your viper explode. Don't care. I'm here. You're here. This is all that matters. Okay, I'll see you around. Kara Thrace." Yes, I am a shipper. Yes, that made me fluttery. But it wasn't even so much about romance as it was about them being there for each other when it really counts, whether that's as best friends, siblings, copilots, or lovers. And it's exactly what Kara needed in order to take that next step -- to put her photo back on the wall and accept that she is dead (or "dead") and has to live again as whatever she might be now.

5a. And she did the goofy eye-roll from the "Colonial Day" dress scene!

6. Last week we were convinced Kara was a hybrid. This week we had to dodge the flying Aurora angel-shaped anvils. C'mon, the backlit entry into the [ship]hybrid's chamber? (And can they please start using different terms? Too confusing!) RDM's playing it at both ends, and while I honestly don't care WHAT she is as long as she's happy and/or at peace, an answer would be nice. Eh, maybe they'll cut their losses and have her be a [cylonhuman]hybrid who resurrected into an angel? Whatever!

7. Gee, I thought that Adama's paint epiphany (and thank the gods it didn't also feature Leoben sex) meant that he was getting his act together, yet he still had a glass of booze at the end. At least his head seems screwed on straighter now, so maybe I can just let that drink be a nostalgic nightcap.

8. While this episode featured his usual whatthefuckery, EJO's trip behind the lens was a bit better this time around. I groaned aloud at the peeing -- HUH? -- but I suppose that was in the script (even if I suspect he laughed with glee when he read that page.) It was kinda funny, and Kara would totally start a convo with Baltar while she was on the toilet. But still. EEEEEEUW.

9. One thing about the direction, though: everyone's faces looked WEIRD. I don't know if it was a different camera lens or the lighting or how he positioned them while filming, but several times the actors were almost unrecognizable, and at others they looked almost like that creepy computer animation of faces like in the uber-freaky Polar Express movie.

10. I really do love the poetry of the title, even if the "-ed" in "Islanded" keeps throwing me off.

11. Oh, SAM. There's something almost beautiful and poetic about him becoming a [ship]hybrid, but seeing him that way is just so sad. I have no idea what to make of the scenes with Kara and the gun (shades of LDYB!), so I'll have to let those simmer in my brain for a while. Also, there was something quite disconcerting about him reciting [ship]hybrid-speak in that monotone, given his "I love you, man" laconic ease in seasons past.

12. I'm conflicted about Boomer and Hera at the end. While I usually like redemption arcs, I don't actually want one in her case just because a big dramatic repentance feels like too much of a copout there. OTOH, it sure looks like the kid got under her skin and will make her pump some bullets into Cavil. Hmm.

13. As with the basestar in KLG2, the Colony looked waaaaay too cheesy sci-fi for my tastes.

14. Okay, just noticed that as Lee's pulling on his jacket in the memorial hall, we get NIPS. (Will update with screencap when available.)

Okay, time to rewatch and read everyone else's meta! Will probably add more to this list as I do so. Insta-reactions are much more enjoyable than I'd realized! Oh, and please no spoilers or even discussion of the promos. Thanks. :)

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