50% good

Jul 30, 2008 13:22

Three things making me smile today:

1. Crochet community stalking Joss Whedon: Ravelry and the Jossverse in the same EW post! (Though I'm getting really tired of seeing approximately 547 Jayne hats at every fan gathering, even if they are kinda cute.)
2. Amy Sedaris and Chris Meloni will start filming Gym Teacher: The Movie. I'm already setting a season pass on my TiVo.
3. A Georgia State Legislator moonlights as a romance novelist. Excellent!

Three things annoying me today:

1. The IOC has agreed to allow China to block some web access during the Olympics, including Tibet-related sites. (And based on the troubles I'm having today, I wonder if China's already blocking MY 'net access.)
2. At least three gnats are flying around my home, eluding all my attempts to smush them.
3. Now I have to go move heavy, book-filled boxes across town. Yay, me.
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