How much do I adore
marenfic? She drove two hours to visit me.
The Sacred Heart Air Band in reruns. Minivan. Lunch. IKEA. An unexpectedly closed yarn store. Diet Dr. Pepper. Trader Joe's. And then we came back here and talked about every single person on our flists. Okay, the last one is a lie. Still, we had more fun than is humanly possible, and we'll have to do it again this summer! Everyone should have wonderful friends like Maren. :)
Today really felt like summer, too. I'm starting to get excited about all my vacation time. Right now I'm rewatching Horatio Hornblower, because Baby!Jamie always makes me grin. Beautiful day, and my apartment's actually clean for once. Speaking of cleaning, I need to clear out my bookmarks.
proggrrl posted a heads-up that The Envelope is doing another
screening series in LA next month, with actors and creators from Damages, Mad Men, Big Love, Breaking Bad, BSG, and House. And their forums has a list of
episodes that various actors and shows have submitted for Emmys consideration. I'm always amused by some of the shows that putting themselves in the running. "Sine Qua Non" must be pretty darn good, huh?
-- Again, in fandom news,
Gawker sings the praises of "blonde tomboy space girl!", which makes me giggle.
-- More TV stuff: Interesting Pile has a list of
Memorial Day Weekend TV marathons. Vulture
interviews Danny Strong (Jonathan!) about Recount. And PopWatch has
an interview with Hart Hanson about the Bones season finale, though it doesn't explain that hour of "WTF?"
txvoodoo has an interesting discussion about
whether TV fandoms expect too much with our analysis and criticism.
-- Cracked always has interesting lists. Here are
8 child prodigies so amazing they'll ruin your day. RealSimple also posts good lists. Since I'm planning my Vancouver-Seattle trip, I've been reading their
list of travel-related tips. -- Today's dose of randomness: Jezebel's weekly YA book club is on
The Girl with the Silver Eyes. Jack Handey (remember him?) wrote a hilarious essay about
his American flag. And The AntiCraft!'s Beltane special issue is all about... uh... bacon. Now you can make your very own
-- Making the rounds is
this very long NY Times Magazine essay about one blogger's experiences in over-sharing her life. I should probably take a hint, because I talk WAY too much!
-- On that note, I'll finally start trying to catch up on comments. :) And my Kara/Lee friends should really check out the fic and linkspams that my amazing friends have posted on
the birthday community. I'm still SO touched and delighted, and all that marvelous stuff should really be shared with everyone!