Dec 04, 2007 08:31
Things upsetting me this morning:
1. Yesterday I crawled in bed at 6pm for my usual hourlong post-work nap. I woke up at 2:37am. GRR. Stayed up a few hours, then went back to bed, assuming this meant I could get to work early and do some stuff. Nope. Woke up ten minutes later than usual. I thought all that sleep was supposed to improve moods. Instead, I just feel like curling up and hiding.
2. Not a single person has said “hello” to me this morning. This is fairly typical and does not help the lifelong insecurity issues. Christmas is coming up, and I’m about at the point of “Why bother?”
3. Ants have invaded my desk.
4. Looks like all this peevishness is 90% hormonal, and I’m all out of ibuprofen.
5. That little one-off “Razor” Kara fic that I was supposed to write in one day is now up to 1,500 words, and I can’t bring myself to discard it. The last chapter of my WIP is completely plotted and half-written in my head, but I can’t actually write any of it, no matter how hard I stare at Word.
6. No more Chuck until after the new year. I’m still not fandomish about it, but it brings much-needed smiles. I also skipped Heroes last night, and this morning I’ve realized the depth of my ambivalence. Better that than getting pissed off, huh?
7. I hate being mopey. I’m a bit too old for the emo act. Am really hoping this passes soon. It usually does! Until then, I reserve the right to whine.