Today's big adventure was cleaning out my closets for the first time in years. Of course, everything's a mess now, with the keepers waiting to be put away, and the losers in boxes for Goodwill. I had to keep reminding myself of my rule: "If you haven't touched it in at least six months, it must go." A pleasant surprise was that I've apparently lost a little weight. I tried on some lovely linen floods that I'd assumed were too small, but they fit beautifully. Very nice, since I've always been ambivalent about weight loss, probably because I've been "curvy" all my life. I just don't really care anymore; that, or I gave up a long time ago and am now in denial about my "curve issues". ;) Whatever the case, knowing that I can now wear those lovely Old Navy linen floods is very much a good thing.
I wrote another little comments-ficlet last night for
stars_like_dust, but her post is flocked. I just started one for another friend. Might compile and post them here once I have a few more. Those things are *so* much fun -- short enough to fit in one or two reply boxes, and I don't have to plan them out. I can just write whatever the hell is on my mind, especially odd pairings or situations new to me. They're far from being Great Literature, which is totally fine by me. Sometimes we get so obsessive and wanky about fic, and it's nice to just write little ficlets for the *fun* of it.
Going back through some old posts made me think about how much LJ has changed in the past few years.
I originally joined under a different name back in 2001, but I let that one go defunct after a few months. Then I started this one in 8/02. Who else remembers the days when you could only join LiveJournal if you paid up or had an "invite code"? Then they switched to open, free membership, and things changed a lot. About 95% of the changes were great. Much of fandom is now centered on LJ, with boards, mailing lists, and fic archives becoming less important. I love how comprehensive it is now, though sometimes it almost feels too fragmented. I hesitate to speak ill about LJ as a whole, because I do love so much about this place. But yeah, I do kinda miss the old days -- just for how it felt a little more personal back then.
Oh, and this afternoon I volunteered to help out with
galacticanews updates, which turned into Ancarett recruiting me for mod duties. ;) Looks like I'll be doing an update this Wednesday. I find a lot of stuff through my flist and the TWOP boards, but please let me know if you'd like me to link to something, especially great meta (yours or others') from the past month. I'm a meta junkie, and I'd love to see more of that in the updates!