Fandom potluck and a Wacky Poll.

Jul 21, 2005 20:38

I feel so guilty. Went over to for the info on today's bombings. Unfortunately, I haven't actually read the news story because I'm too busy staring at this guy. (Pic's from the original BBC online article, but I saved and Photobucketed it to stop the hotlinking.)

I should clear up something I said in last night's post about binge drinking. I'm totally fine with alcohol and even getting drunk. I love having strawberry margaritas or sharing a bottle of wine with friends. ;) And I do have a great deal of sympathy for alcoholics; god knows I have my own addictions. I just can't quite comprehend the whole youth subculture where it's "cool" to get hammered to the point of passing out all the damn time -- and how they see nothing at all wrong with it. Getting carried away once in a while is fine by me, but when that's your *goal* every night? I'll admit that I just don't get it.

Ooh. CBS will be airing four Veronica Mars episodes in the coming weeks! I have no delusions that this will mean legions of new fans, but maybe it'll pick up a few. :) I really need to do a Mars-a-thon soon, because I've been way out of the writing loop lately.

In other good news... I got a letter from the school today, and after the shock of "omigod summer's almost over!!!", I looked closer and discovered that pre-planning actually starts on August 3rd, instead of August 1st. Two more days of vacation. ;) Plus, I also got a fun little package from my beloved writteninstars. Yay!

Ah, the PotterWank. It's so beautiful! *sniff*

It's been a while since I did a Wacky Poll, so here's one for Battlestar Galactica.
Poll The Galactica Wacky Poll

tv - veronica mars, polls, bsg

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