Five for Tuesday

Aug 09, 2011 20:39

Things making me happy tonight:

-- Work is going well so far. I'm putting together a "reading corner" for my classroom, which involves lots of throw pillows and a rug and a little lamp. Quite fun, though not as enjoyable for my wallet. ;)
-- I got a nice new laptop from school. It's a pretty standard business-issue Dell. When I asked why we don't get Macs, the tech woman told me that it has to do with the warranties and how little Apple's covers compared to Dell. Huh. Don't know how true that is, but I'm fine with it because I like PCs.
-- I'm almost done with that sweater, and I just might have enough yarn. Well, I will if I skip the ribbed edging. I can probably live without it, or maybe I'll eke out enough for a row of crochet.
-- The news that Steven Soderbergh(!) is doing second unit photography for The Hunger Games. Apparently it's because he and Gary Ross are friends. I know that second unit isn't as important as principal, but it's still cool. Also, Vulture has a cool interview with Elizabeth Banks in which she talks about Effie.
-- The season finale of Switched at Birth was really well done. Yes, I "awww"ed aloud at a certain scene (those of you who watch know the one. ;) It's a great little show, and thank goodness it's similar in spirit to Gilmore Girls, rather than ABC Family's usual trashy fare. (Why are they so obsessed with liars?)
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