Title Obsession: Details and Direction Rating R Characters Schuldig, Crawford Summary A reward for good behaviour - or is it simply a means to assert dominance? Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Thank you! Glad you enjoy my Crawford. I really had no idea just how seriously he took his manipulation of Schuldig until I started writing this. He's really surprised me, he's more of a chameleon than I ever thought he'd be.
This was really, really good ^_^ I loved Schuldig's obssessiveness, and at the same time, how Crawford is able to control and manipulate that, and yet how Schuldig resents it, but he still does it and aldfjaw. Yeah. Great portrayal of their relationship, and nice ... beginning to end? I mean, there wasn't exactly a plot, but the storyline was good ^_^
Thank you - but it's not finished yet. ;) I wasn't sure how much I'd write initially, but now that I'm five chapters in, I figured I would start sharing it with the rest of the world. The whole thing is going to revolve around Schuldig's obsession with Tot, which he'll be getting back to in the next chapter. :)
Haha I love how Crawford handles Schu, and then blatantly admits enjoying controlling him, and to top makes Schu agree! *lol* And aww, he doesn't want to lose his Schu. Though I suppose we can question whether he's being rather selfish about it; whether he's more concerned over him losing Schu than about Schu getting into trouble. ;) I like how that question is left open in the writing.
There will most definitely be. I had to take a break in order to work on my Weiss Day fic, but now that that's over, I'm able to finally get back to this. :)
Comments 9
I repeat, Crawford is The Master Manipulator. I love how you write him.
And, again, lucky girl ;).
Yay for this turning out to be a longer fic! :D
“Because I can control you.”
Ooh, great. I loved their interaction here, not sappy but not cold, either.
There will be more of this?
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