It's just a flesh wound

Apr 07, 2006 20:50

I've had a couple of moles removed today, something I've been meaning to get done for years. They weren't pretty, and they weren't practicle. In fact, they looked bloomin' 'orrible, and I have suspisions they were developing new and unpleasant forms of life.

I thought they would just freeze them off. No. Out with the scalpel, in with the needle, and then hacked them off. At one point I thought I'd take a look at what was going on. BIG mistake. Why did I think that watching somebody sawing off an inch of my stomach would be interesting?

Any way, they stitched me up (never had that done before apart from my wisdom teeth - which doesn't count) and sent me off. Which was fine. Except that now the anasthetic is wearing off. OW OW OW OW OW!

Can't type more, need to get back to the sofa.
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