Where I Needed to Be

Nov 28, 2011 13:57

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.
-Douglas Adams

Last time: Before Thanksgiving got in my way (teehee), Palia and Turtle were forced to settle down for a while due to an unexpected surprise resulting from their very romantic Takemizu honeymoon. Little baby boy Emrick joined the family, and so did a cute little puppy named Porkchop. At the end of the update, Palia gave birth to their second child, another boy named Lefle. While not able to travel, the couple took advantage of the time at home to work on their LTW careers.

This time, the family expands again and there are lots of birthdays. I can't wait to get this family back to traveling! On a personal note, I had a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday weekend surrounded by family and friends. And my husband surprised me with a brand new piano for our 5 year anniversary! I've always wanted one, so that was a huge surprise. Hope your holiday was awesome as well, and I'm so glad to get back to the Floosby's!

Featuring sims by: slyndsey & wooden_badger

Palia and her hubby Turtle (by slyndsey) surprised me when I started this round and found them trying for another baby. I really didn't think they'd try again so soon after having their second child. But I'm happy because I want a girl!

As I said, they waited a really long time to have their second child. Their oldest son, Emrick, was well into his childhood by the time their youngest son, Lefle, was born.

Emrick is looking more and more like Turtle every day! And he definitely did not inherit the big nose that came from G1 spouse Ois Nenemos (by maranatah). He might be one of the only offspring that has not inherited that nose so far! He also did not get the big ears, although those seem to be less dominant in the offspring of this family.

Palia and Turtle were successful in their endeavors to have another baby. They also hired a gardener after I took that last picture. I swear their yards get overgrown faster than any other sims on the planet!

Porkchop is still working his way up the Show Biz ladder. Being at home on maternity leave gives Palia some extra time to work with him on his skills. Here he's learning how to roll over.

Lefle has his first birthday, and holy cow, he's so cute! I have totally fallen in love with him. He has much different genetics than his brother, and hurray for Palia's pink eyes! And you can see the big nose has returned!

Peek-a-boo spam with Lefle because I love him and I've never really watched it before. So adorable!

Turtle and Palia are adorable. They are very affectionate, and if I leave them alone for even a second, ACR takes them straight to bed. Aw, true love!

Hmm, there are a couple of things wrong here. One, how come a heavily pregnant woman and her toddler son are in shin-deep snow with no jackets on?! And two, what are they thinking snowball fighting while Palia is pregnant! And why on earth would Turtle aim for her tummy?! This isn't going to end well.

See, I told you! Way to go Turtle, you just made your wife go into labor in the middle of a blizzard. With no jacket!

But all went well, and the Floosby family finally welcomes a baby girl! They name her Aylsie, and it looks like she is all Turtle with his green skin, and brown hair/eyes. At least she's different than either of her brothers.

Finally able to get back to work, Palia receives a quick promotion.

Time to start getting Emrick skilled up, so Turtle gives him some pointers on the career rewards.

Palia's got her hands full with Lefle and Aylsie, while Turtle's helping Emrick. They are a busy little family right now!

Turtle manages to bring home another promotion, although he's really struggling now. He needs a couple more logic points and it's taking an incredibly long time for him to get them.

Emrick has his teen birthday and looks even more like Turtle than before, if that's even possible! I swear he got all Turtle's facial features. He chooses Fortune/Popularity and wants to Reach a Golden Anniversary. Not sure how he ended up with that LTW, but oh well.

Porkchop is still around. He's just working hard, so we haven't seen much of him.

Lefle had a birthday too, and he's still adorable! I just love that big nose, lol. And he inherited Turtle's freckles.

Aylsie's birthday is up next. In the background you can see Weevil by wooden_badger.

Aylsie is a cutie pie too! She looks a lot like her brother Lefle, but with different eyes. She inherited Palia's green spots, but she does not have the big ears that I was hoping for. So none of the G4 kids inherited those big cute ears. Darn!

Lefle agrees with me in thinking that his parents are so adorable together!

The Floosby's are definitely a dancing family. Even little Aylsie joins in!

Aylsie gets to work on toddler skills. She especially loves the xylophone.

More Aylsie, just because.

Emrick and Lefle get along really well. Emrick is always autonomously reading to Lefle or playing some type of sport with his little brother.

Porkchop finally reached the top of Show Biz! What a good boy!

After all this time, Palia's father, G2 heir Celder Floosby, finally shows up for a visit. Usually my households are constantly getting visits from their parents or siblings. But not with this generation, even though Palia is best friends with both of her parents. Anyway, Celder spends most of the time upstairs on his old career reward that he gave to the newlyweds when they moved out on their own.

But he does stay for Aylsie's next birthday!

Still as cute as a button! I wish she had gotten those big ears, but oh well. She's still going to be pretty.

And to wrap up this update, Palia finally reached the top of the Culinary career and achieved her LTW. Hooray! Now if only I can get Turtle to finish his logic skilling he'll reach his too and they can get back to traveling!

  • had baby girl, Aylsie
  • Porkchop reached top of Show Biz career
  • Palia reached top of Culinary career
  • Palia achieved LTW

Generation 3 Goals:
  • visit all holiday locations (still need Three Lakes)
  • get all holiday mementos (progress: 28/45)
  • marry a local (completed)
  • have a kid (completed)
  • optional: bring home Big Foot

polarity project, pixel trade, floosby family

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