I recently had the opportunity to think about what-could-have-beens. I generally fear thinking about what-could-have-beens because it makes me sad to compare that with what-is's. It makes me afraid that failure to seize or treasure what-could-have-beens mean that I would never experience such things again. But then it struck me, thats pretty silly thinking actually, because the very fact that what-could-have-beens never became what-is's is proof that what-could-have-beens are essentially what-never-could-have-been. If it was even meant to be part of my present or future, it would have come to pass.
For example, for a long time, I was strongly discomfitted about the possibility that I was not elect and thus the option of salvation was not available to me. (What election is:
http://bible.org/article/my-understanding-biblical-doctrine-election)My fear and frustration stemmed from my feeling of helplessness, of being able to see the shining prize before me and yet never being able to touch it because of the very essence of who I was. I have since then resolved the issue internally on the following basis (a variation of Pascal's Wager): If I am indeed elect and my faith is genuine, then I have nothing to fear. My duty would be to live a life that is God-honouring. However, if I am not elect and my faith turns out to be inadequate, then there is no harm for me to have aspired towards salvation even if it were impossible for me to have achieved it. I don't know anyone else who has rationalised religion to themselves in this manner, but I guess a desire to be saved logically points at least a possibility of election? But linking this back to my original point: If I was never meant to be elect, then there is no reason why I should be lamenting this fact, because election and salvation was never something that I could have done anything personally to achieve.
I think it is good not to dwell on the past and build stories about things that could never have survived to the present. In the absence of information otherwise, all that one can and should do is to live life to the best that one sees it. If something isn't meant for you, then there is no point trying to outsmart your way into it. All you can do is hope and pray that it is in God's will for you.