i'm trying to get caught up on lj comments and emails, not to mention a few projects i'm working on, plus i've got six sites in the
'something real' queue that need to be looked at. i don't like to approve or delete them until i go through every single thing on the site. but that's just me. heh. that and oh, that thing called an education. so know i'm trying, i'm not lazy. just many things on my plate right now. AND the one big huge massive crazy emotion thing. ::smile::
i've been meaning to write a rant about how i'm SO over the whole olympics. how i would love to go to something, anything, but you have to be made of money to be able to afford it and i just think it's a bunch of bullshit. i mean, at first i was very excited but now it's like, what's the point of having it here when i'm going to have to watch everything on t.v. the only way i'll know it's here is the major traffic *everywhere* and probably catching some horrid virus and ending up in the hospital.
plus, they announced the dixie chicks are playing at the opening ceremonies. djfosdjfocjs. dave freaking matthews AND the dixie chicks. anybody want to lend me $885? *smiles sweetly* yes, that's how much a single ticket is to the opening ceremonies.
BUT, we got a letter from
the make a wish foundation the other day saying there is a possibility of olympic tickets for wish children (ooooo i'm a 'wish child' i feel special. lol.) and their families. soooooo, da-amn. i know i've got a chance in hell, but i've got my fingers crossed for opening ceremony tickets, ice skating would be hella amazing too. (ever since i bought the new no doubt album, i've been saying hella alot. probably because i love that song.)
i love moulin freaking rouge. (oy. you can tell i've been around rick too much, i'm putting freaking in between two words. hehe. we had fun with that; colee and i. matt freaking damon. adam freaking duritz.) from now on, whenever anyone asks me what cystinosis is, i'm going to tell them it's what satine died of. (yes, i'm a sick puppy.)
i watched the last 45 or so minutes of 'steel magnolias' this afternoon and *bawled* my eyes out. i can't help it; that movie hits SO close to home it's scary. i actually can't stand to watch it most of the time because of that. i mean, i love it to pieces and think its beautiful. but hi. tahnie = shelby. (julia roberts character) okay, you have the kidney transplant thing, her MOM giving her her kidney, and *especially* when she has her little boy even though the doctors advise her against it. SO something i would do. =x the two scenes that just *kill* me are the one when she's passed out and her little boy is sitting on the floor crying and crying, and then at the funeral (of course. duh.) when her mom (sally field plays her...for the life of me i cannot remember her name in the movie.) goes off and starts yelling when all the girls are out by the casket. it's just.....oh good lord. very close to home.
those of you who haven't seen it, go rent it. now that i've ruined the end for you. heh. it's one of my favourite movies of all time, despite how difficult it is for me to watch it.
when brad pitt was at sundance he was...ick. i never thought i'd say that about him but, yuck. he was all scruffy and had on this cat in the hat hat. i will give him points for having on a bright orange shirt (like my 'roos one) with a big 7 on the front. but ewwwwww, i'm so glad i didn't see him while we were up there. lol. i never thought i'd say that. hmmm. will post a photo later so you'll know why. he was looking, well not hot.